
“True or false? The Leipzig Tour of Lies” – city tour for student families

Truth or walloping lies? Find out at the slightly different city tour for student families on Friday, the 5th November 2021. The tour replaces the family breakfast as a service for all student parents with children.

Truth or fistful of lies?  

The somewhat different city tour for our student families: On November 5, 2021, student parents and their children can participate in the free event “True or false? The Leipzig Tour of Lies” organized by the social counseling service.

For once, people are allowed to lie, fib, and tell nonsense and get away with it, and everyone – whether guide, adult, or child – can be a part of that. Every participant will be given a card and at each station it is decided whether the truth or a big lie has been told.

In addition, one or two delicious and creative surprises are waiting for the kids.

In a relaxed and child-friendly atmosphere, student parents can talk to various persons about questions and challenges that come with studying with a child. Representatives of Leipzig's universities, of the social counseling service of Studentenwerk, and of the student councils will be present at the Tour of Lies.

It is also a good opportunity for the parents to get to know each other.

Participation & registration

  • Date: Friday, November 5, 2021
  • Time: 3 pm to 4:30 p.m.
  • Meeting point: back of Mensa am Park (opposite Moritzbastei)
  • Binding registration: If you are interested, please register bindingly by November 02, indicating the number of persons (children/adults) and your matriculation number by e-mail to sozialberatung@studentenwerk-leipzig.de

Participation in the city tour is free of charge for student parents of all Leipzig universities and their children. Please remember to bring your valid student ID as proof.

As with the family breakfast, partners and pregnant women with partners are welcome as well.



