Grafik mit Hinweis auf die 25-jährige Partnerschaft zwischen Crous Strasbourg und Studentenwerk Leipzig. Strasbourger Köche zu Gast

Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts Strasbourg Chefs

The 25th anniversary of the Crous Strasbourg and Studentenwerk Leipzig partnership is celebrated with a culinary exchange

On 22 and 23 May our French colleagues take over student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken's kitchen. Could there be a better event to celebrate the partnership between Crous Strasbourg and Studentenwerk Leipzig? With the exchange of chefs, Crous Strasbourg and Studentenewrk Leipzig celebrate the 25 year anniversary of their partnership and strengthen the Franco-German friendship at the same time. Students and customers of student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken can look forward to French delicacies. In addition, enjoying French dishes is a good introduction to this year's European Parliament elections.

Here's the menu:

  • Wednesday, 22.5.19: Mixed salad /  Fried Zander in Riesling sauce / Apple tart
  • Thursday, 23.5.19: Onion tart / Pot au Feu (beef stew) / Rhubarb crumble

The stay of the French chefs in Leipzig follows the proven principle of "Aktion Tandem". This is an idea introduced by Studentenwerk organizations at which two organizations form a tandem to present their regional cuisine at each other's facilities. Exchanging experiences and the interaction between the teams play an important role. Through binational chef exchanges one does literally look over the rim of one's tea cup.

The visit of the Strasbourg chefs is supported by Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW).




