
Studentenwerk Leipzig has approved an increase in dormitory rents for 2023

Increase in operating costs by up to 35 euros per place and month from 1.2.2023 / Further increase in the basic rent planned from 1.6.2023 / Online consultation hour of the Student Housing and Social Counselling for financing questions.

Due to the ongoing inflation and the energy crisis, the Studentenwerk Leipzig expects drastic price-related cost increases for district heating and electricity as well as for maintenance services for 2023 according to the current status and therefore sees itself forced to increase the rent prices in the halls of residence for 2023.

Price adjustment planned under reserve

The price adjustment will be implemented in two stages. On 1 February 2023, the total rent will be increased by 35 euros per place and month due to rising energy costs. However, this is conditional: the amount of the increase will be reduced if government compensation measures lead to a lower forecast of operating costs for 2023. Currently, the energy price brakes are still being negotiated at the federal level. If these or other government compensatory measures do lead to a lower preliminary calculation of operating costs for 2023, the increase amount will be reduced accordingly in the short term.

The Studentenwerk is facing a further financial shortfall due to the significant increase in maintenance costs of the student halls of residence in recent years, explains Monika Schwarzenberg, Head of the Student Housing Department: "Regular maintenance measures are necessary to maintain the rentability of the student halls of residence and to ensure a high supply rate. In view of these cost increases, the funds for maintenance that have been collected through the rent are unfortunately no longer sufficient to cover the actual maintenance costs. Therefore, in a second step, as of 1 June 2023, we will have to increase the rent again by an average of 30 euros with differentiated amounts depending on the type of housing. We will communicate the amount of the second rent adjustment to all tenants depending on the development in January 2023. In order to discuss financing issues due to the increase directly with tenants of the halls of residence, Student Housing is offering an online consultation hour together with the Social Counselling Service of the Studentenwerk Leipzig on 22 December 2022.

Information on the online consultation




