
Preparatory German language course for refugees

Refugees who wish to study at HTWK can, under certain conditions, learn German for free beforehand.

Starting in April 2020, HTWK Leipzig will offer a German language course to prepare students for studying at HTWK. The free German language course is expected to cover the levels B1 and B2. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate of completion and the opportunity to attend a further C1 course from October 2020. The C1 course prepares you for the TestDaF exam.

In addition to registering through the respective form, a consultation with the Department of Student Affairs at HTWK is required. 

Prerequisites for participation:

  • German language skills at level A2 at least
  • a university entrance qualification
  • indication of the desired study programme at HTWK

Information on the aptitude test:

The aptitude test will take place on 23 March 2020. Your reading and writing skills will be assessed by a C-test and there will be a listening comprehension task. After the evaluation of this test, the suitable participants will be invited for an interview on 27 March 2020.

The German course is expected to start on 6 April 2020 and ends on 25 September 2020. The registration is managed by HTWK. A few places will be given to students without refugee background at their own expense. The course is funded by DAAD and is subject to the approval of funds.



