Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Our cultural tip for September 2022

    Our cultural tip for September 2022

    Co_vid: Wir im Um_bruch. The student art exhibition can be visited from 16 September to 02 October in the KUB Gallery. The exhibition "Co_vid: Wir im Um_bruch|Co_vid: 波动_组版", organised by Yening Li, Longtian Liang and other students, presents video, audio and performance art by various artists and their reflections on the Corona pandemic. Their aim…

  • Studentenwerk Leipzig celebrates 10 years of Psychosocial Counselling

    Studentenwerk Leipzig celebrates 10 years of Psychosocial Counselling

    Celebration event in the Mensa am Medizincampus / Psychosocial Counselling ensures equal opportunities in studies / Call for stable funding beyond the pandemic

  • Anti-discrimination workshops

    Anti-discrimination workshops

    The Antidiskriminierungsbüro Sachsen e.V. (ADB) offers two anti-discrimination workshops on behalf of the social counselling service of the Studentenwerk Leipzig.

  • Statement on the globaLE incident

    Statement on the globaLE incident

    There were protests during a film screening at the globalisation-critical film festival globaLE on 18 August 2022. The festival has been supported by our cultural funding over the past years. We were dismayed to find out about the incidents surrounding the screening of the film "Ukraine on Fire" on 18 August 2022 as part of…

  • Special city tour for student families in October

    Special city tour for student families in October

    Truth or a fistful of lies? Find out at the slightly different city tour for student families on Saturday, 22 October 2022. The tour is a free offer for all student parents with children. Truth or a fistful of lies? The somewhat different city tour for our student families: On 22 October 2022, student parents and…

  • New season: sports course for pregnant women and mums with babies

    New season: sports course for pregnant women and mums with babies

    The sports group for (expectant) student mums starts again at the end of August 2022. The outdoor course is free of charge. Register now! The free course is for both students with babies and pregnant women. It is adapted to the target group of pregnant women and mothers with a baby after pregnancy. The aim is…

  • Mensa am Park opens new vegan counter

    Mensa am Park opens new vegan counter

    The Mensa am Park is expanding its vegan-vegetarian offer – with an additional counter for a vegan daily meal. News from the Mensa am Park Pita burgers with grilled vegetables, paella with cashews, sweet potato gnocchi, nasi goreng with seitan – from now on, even more delicious vegan-vegetarian dishes will be cooked in the Mensa…

  • New course from September: Parenting with Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

    New course from September: Parenting with Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

    Strengthen a loving, supportive relationship with yourself and your children with Mindful Compassionate Parenting (MCP). Starting in september, our Social Counselling service is offering a new course for student parents on how to deal with stress in everyday parenting. The basis for this are techniques to strengthen mindfulness and self-compassion. Contents and objectives of the…

  • Our cultural tip for August 2022

    Our cultural tip for August 2022

    Jedermensch e.V.: KNALLBRAUSE Theatre Festival in Leipzig-Gohlis For the first time, the Freie Ensemble Jedermensch is organising the KNALLBRAUSE Theatre Festival. The aim is to offer the independent Leipzig theatre scene a stage and the opportunity to tell stories in a variety of ways. The audience can look forward to a wide-ranging programme that focuses…

  • Tutors  for International students wanted

    Tutors for International students wanted

    Establish international contacts, organise events, help international students. Join in! The team of tutors is looking for new members! Our Student Housing department is looking for students who would like to volunteer and support our team of tutors. Advantages & Tasks Networking with international students and students in the hall of residence Offering help to…

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