Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Student restaurants’ spring campaign

    Student restaurants’ spring campaign

    Say bye-bye winter and hello spring – in the culinary way. Bye-bye winter, hello spring: Mensa Peterssteinweg and Mensa am Park let the sunshine in and welcome spring with special dishes. On March 17, restaurant manager of Mensa Peterssteinweg Martin Beyer and his team start to say good-bye to winter in the culinary way. This…

  • March 20: Veggie Day at Mensa Academica

    March 20: Veggie Day at Mensa Academica

    Vegetarian and vegan food – Veggie Day on March 20 at Mensa Academica. Exclusively vegan and vegetarian dishes will be served on Veggie Day on March 20 at the Mensa Academica. Restaurant manager Martina Becker and her team will prepare falafel with tomato and chili dip, broccoli and tortellini casserole, vegan puff pastry pizza, eggs…

  • Are you new in Leipzig? Register for the buddy program!

    Are you new in Leipzig? Register for the buddy program!

    The buddies of Studentenwerk Leipzig will help you in the first weeks. Are you new in Leipzig? Are you looking for a contact person who makes the first weeks in in Leipzig easier for you? Register for the buddy program by the tutors of Studentenwerk Leipzig and get tips by other students living in Leipzig…

  • Photo exhibition: Double exposure

    Photo exhibition: Double exposure

    Double exposure photos – on exhibition in March and April. This is worth taking a closer look: In our present photo exhibition, student Therese von Alten has used double exposure on her films. Different pictures fuse to become one, are partly transparent and often cannot be deciphered at first sight. Double exposure relates the different…

  • Behind the scenes: Euro Schools visiting

    Behind the scenes: Euro Schools visiting

    Foreign guests from Euro Schools Leipzig visit Mensa am Elsterbecken

  • German Language Course for Refugees

    German Language Course for Refugees

    Refugees can take part at a free language course as a preparation for university studies. Leipzig University offers a free language course for refugees as a preparation for university studies starting March/April 2017. The course period is one semester (six months) and leads to the language level C1. The language course is funded by the…

  • Second home tax for students

    Second home tax for students

    New regulations by the City of Leipzig on the second home tax apply. According to this, students in student halls of residence are not exempt anymore. Information on second home tax in the City of Leipzig Important information: On January 01, 2017, the amended version of the ordinance on second home tax took effect, which…

  • Most vegan friendly student restaurants 2016: Studentenwerk Leipzig gets top mark

    Most vegan friendly student restaurants 2016: Studentenwerk Leipzig gets top mark

    Three stars awarded by animal rights organization PETA Germany: Studentenwerk Leipzig with full mark among the top 21.

  • Exhibition “Nacht-Oasen” shows Leipzig’s “Spätis”

    Exhibition “Nacht-Oasen” shows Leipzig’s “Spätis”

    The current photo exhibition at Studentenwerk portraits the oases at night – Spätis. Leipzig without Spätis? Hardly imaginable. Student Michael Holzwarth declares his love to the late-night corner shops of Leipzig in his photo exhibition. He took the pictures at night, of course, so that they exude a very special atmosphere. You can see the…

  • Office hours during the turn of the year

    Office hours during the turn of the year

    Please note the changed office hours during Christmas and the turn of the year at Studentenwerk Leipzig.

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