Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Student Restaurant Card (Mensa Card) Services

    Student Restaurant Card (Mensa Card) Services

    Hand-out, replacement, extension of validity, and transfers regarding your card At the beginning of the new semester, we offer our student restaurant card service: On specific dates we hand-out, replace, extend or transfer your card directly at our restaurants and cafeterias. To use our service, please bring your valid student ID card or employee ID card…

  • Tutors: Semester Programme for International Students

    Tutors: Semester Programme for International Students

    The tutors released their new semester programme! The tutors of Studentenwerk Leipzig planned a lot of diverse activities for international students in particular to get to know the city and new people. From bar hopping over welcome events to parties and trips – you name it, it’s all arranged. The events will take place all…

  • Provisional cards for international students

    Provisional cards for international students

    We offer a provisional Mensa card as well as a provisional MDV travel ticket (to substitute the regular MDV Semesterticket). You are from a foreign country and are just starting to study in Leipzig? If you do not yet possess a student card (UniCard) at the start of the semester, do not worry!  You can…

  • New Dates: Social Counselling is (t)here for you!

    New Dates: Social Counselling is (t)here for you!

    Studentenwerk Leipzigs Social Counselling offers new information events! SOCIAL COUNSELLING EVENTS November 4, 2017 | 9.00 – 11.00 a.m. | Student restaurant Mensa am Park, Universitätsstraße 5, 04103 LeipzigFamily Breakfast for Studying Parents and their Children of all of Leipzigs Universities and Academies Novemver 14, 2017 | 4 p.m. | Zappelkiste, Nürnberger Straße 42, 04109 LeipzigInfo event…

  • 21 September: Veggie Day at Mensa Academica

    21 September: Veggie Day at Mensa Academica

    Vegetarian and vegan food – Veggie Day on 21 September at Mensa Academica. Exclusively vegan and vegetarian dishes will be served on Veggie Day on 21 September at the Mensa Academica. Restaurant manager Martina Becker and her team will prepare falafel with spelt-risotto, retro-vegetables, rucola; oven baked potato stuffed with boiled cornmeal and other dishes for…

  • Participate: Research Project for International Students

    Participate: Research Project for International Students

    All international students, who begin their bachelor studies or state exam in the winter semester 2017/18, can take part in the research project “SpraStu – Sprache und Studienerfolg” and win prizes! Language and Academic Achievement: New Research Project for International Students UPDATE: As of now, international students who are in their 3rd semester (BA or…

  • Information regarding residues of Fipronil in eggs

    Information regarding residues of Fipronil in eggs

    In the present circumstances, eggs processed in restaurants and cafes operated by Studentenwerk Leipzig do not present any hazards. Because of current media reports on "residues of Fipronil in eggs", Studentenwerk Leipzig has contacted its main suppliers and asked them for statements. The statements available so far confirm that, according to the available state of…

  • Additional office hours of student housing office

    Additional office hours of student housing office

    The critical stage of house hunting is about to start before the new summer semester begins. Therefore, the Student Housing assistants offer additional office hours for present and future students. The winter semester is just around the corner. That means: Many new and established students are looking for an apartment. To be able to advise…

  • Regular information evenings for international students

    Regular information evenings for international students

    As of the coming winter semester, the tutors of Studentenwerk Leipzig invite international students to information evenings at the Stuk-Café once a month. They will be happy to accept suggestions on topics! The first information event hosted by the tutors on the subject “Graduated from university, now what? – Applying and working in Germany” at…

  • Results of the 21st social survey

    Results of the 21st social survey

    The results of the social survey conducted in 2016 are available and allow a better understanding of the lives of students in Germany. The results of the 2016 representative online survey of Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW) on the economic and social situation of students are available, in which 60,000 students participated:  Finances, jobbing, BAföG, and housing…

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