Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Special Offer: Spring Vegetable Lasagnas at Mensa am Park

    Special Offer: Spring Vegetable Lasagnas at Mensa am Park

    Goodbye Winter: Special dishes at Mensa am Park! We brave the winter and bring sping time (to your bellies)! From February 26 to March 2, there will be daily changing spring lasagnas with young and fresh vegetables at Mensa am Park. The dishes can be picked up at the event stand. Enjoy your meal!

  • February 20: Veggie-Day at Mensa Academica

    February 20: Veggie-Day at Mensa Academica

    The next Veggie Day at Mensa Academica is on February 20! On February 20, there will be another Veggie Day at the Mensa Academica! This Veggie Tuesday, restaurant manager Martina Becker and her team will cook some vegeterian and vegan meals. Read the menu to find out about all dishes. The Veggie Day was introduced in 2010…

  • Maternity Protection Law Now Applies For Students

    Maternity Protection Law Now Applies For Students

    Since 1 January 2018, the law for maternity protection (Mutterschutzgesetz) applies for students as well. Female students are now entitled to maternity leave for six weeks before and eight weeks after childbirth – like employed women are. Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Social Counselling looks forward to informing interested women on all important changes in maternity protection law…

  • New Photography Exhibition “Lichtzeichnungen”

    New Photography Exhibition “Lichtzeichnungen”

    A new year as well as a new photography exhibition start at Studentenwerk "Lichtzeichnungen" is what Hannah Katinka Beck calls her new photography exhibition. She sees photographers as painters. "Even if they don’t work with brushes and pencils, photographers paint with light. And shades, with movement and with perspective" writes the student. On exhibition are many…

  • Open Day: We Answer Questions

    Open Day: We Answer Questions

    Studentenwerk represented by information booths at Uni Leipzig and HTWK Everyone who wants to know more about student housing, BAföG and other services of Studentenwerk Leipzig, is very welcome to visit our information booths at Uni Leipzig’s and HTWK’s open day on 11 January 2018. We are represented by employees of  Department for Grants and…

  • Perfectly Prepared: Advice for International Students on Assignments, Presentations and More

    Perfectly Prepared: Advice for International Students on Assignments, Presentations and More

    Advice on assignments, presentations and more – How the Academic Lab | Wissenschaftslabor helps international students. On January 16, from 5.00 p.m., Leipzig University’s Academic Lab | Wissenschaftslabor presents its offers to international students. Their sub-project “UniSprache Deutsch” (Academic German) includes courses, workshops and individual support as well as information on academic German for the student’s…

  • Smoothies In Environmentally Friendly Cups

    Smoothies In Environmentally Friendly Cups

    Since mid-December, tasty smoothies are available in environmentally friendly cups in our student restaurants and cafeterias. The material is made out of renewable resources, it is biodegradable, food safe and heat-resistant. The cups are made out of polylactic acid (PLA)."Sustainability is an important topic for us," explains Uwe Kubaile, head of student restaurants and cafeterias…

  • Group Offerings for HMT Students

    Group Offerings for HMT Students

    We recently introduced special counselling offers for HMT students. The first group sessions will start in January. 1. Relaxation Techniques This group is about learning and practicing techniques of autogenic training as well as progressive muscle relaxation. Time: 6 dates of 90 minutes each, Tuesdays at 6.15 p.m., starting 9 January 2018Place: Center for Social Services…

  • Opening Hours Over Christmas and The Turn Of The Year

    Opening Hours Over Christmas and The Turn Of The Year

    The opening hours at our student restaurants and cafeterias and our office hours change over Christmas and the turn of the year. The year is coming to an end and everyone who has to settle matters with the help of Studentenwerk Leipzig, should take a look at the changed office and opening hours. Here is…

  • For International Students: Information Event “Volunteering”

    For International Students: Information Event “Volunteering”

    Studentenwerk Leipzig invites all international students to their event „Experiencing New Things Through Volunteering“ on 12 December 2017, at 5.00 p.m. For many people commitment apart from student life means an opportunity to gain experience and to get to know people. Especially international students can gain insight into cultural aspects and get in touch with…

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