Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • International Students: The 5th International Café is coming!

    International Students: The 5th International Café is coming!

    On Friday, 20 April 2018 from 3.30 to 5.30 p.m. you will get advice, get to know other students and spend a great afternoon with coffee and cake provided by us. In a comfortable atmosphere and with provided coffee and cake, you receive information about the offers of Studentenwerk Leipzig, Leipzig’s universities and academies as…

  • Veggie-Day at Mensa am Park on 29 March

    Veggie-Day at Mensa am Park on 29 March

    On Veggie-Day, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively. To all vegetarians, vegans and flexitarians: On 29 March, Veggie-Day takes place at Mensa am Park! On the menu are for instance falafel with vegetables and chips, quinoa-pea balls and vegan fricassee with mushrooms. You can find an overview on our menu website. We organise Veggie-Days since 2010…

  • „Kopf braucht Dach“ Campaign: Tarostraße 14 To Be Modernised

    „Kopf braucht Dach“ Campaign: Tarostraße 14 To Be Modernised

    Student hall of residence Tarostraße 14 is to be extensively modernised by the end of September. After modernizing student halls of residence Straße des 18. Oktober 25 and Johannes-R.-Becher-Straße  last year, now Tarostraße 14 is to be modernised extensively. Reletting is planned for the upcoming winter semester. Furthermore, we will carry out maintenance measures at student hall…

  • Provisional Cards for International Students / Student Restaurants + MDV

    Provisional Cards for International Students / Student Restaurants + MDV

    International students can pick up provisional cards for student restaurants and public transport. From 26 March 2018, international students of the University of Leipzig who do not own a UniCard at the beginning of the semester, can pick up a provisional card for our student restaurants (and cafeterias) and a provisional card for public transport…

  • Veggie-Day at Mensa am Elsterbecken on 22 March

    Veggie-Day at Mensa am Elsterbecken on 22 March

    On Veggie-Day, we exclusively offer vegetarian and vegan dishes at student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken. Meatless and tasty: On Veggie-Day at student Mensa am Elsterbecken we offer for instance the portobello burger with vegetable-quinoa stuffing and pea gravy, enchiladas with bean filling and grilled halloumi with oven-roasted Mediterranean vegetables, rye baguette and garlic dip. An…

  • Mensa Card Services

    Mensa Card Services

    Hand-out, replacement, extension of validity, and transfers regarding your card. At the beginning of the new semester, we offer our Mensa card service: On specific dates we hand-out, replace, extend or transfer your card directly at our Mensas and cafeterias. To use our service, please bring your valid student ID card or employee ID card with you. Without…

  • Studying in Leipzig?! Info Event for Refugees

    Studying in Leipzig?! Info Event for Refugees

    In cooperation with Leipzig’s universities and academies, Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts an information event for people with a refugee background who are interested in academic studies. At the event, you will receive information on preparatory courses for university, different study programs and admission requirements. WHEN? 21 March 2018, 2.00-5.00 p.m. WHERE? HTWK Leipzig, Nieper-Bau, Foyer, Karl-Liebknecht-Str.…

  • Photography Exhibition “wandermüde”

    Photography Exhibition “wandermüde”

    Until the end of April, the photographs of Thorben Pelzers trip to Asia are on display. Thorben Pelzer has seen a lot of the Asian world so far: Kyoto, Busan, Hualien City and Taipei were some of his travel destinations. In his current photography exhibition at Studentenwerk Leipzig, the Sinology postgraduate student shows photos of…

  • Weekend Workshop for HMT Students

    Weekend Workshop for HMT Students

    Our Psychosocial Counselling hosts a weekend workshop for HMT students on the topics of stress and time management on March 17 and 18. Finally some time off? Impossible, because of the many concerts, rehearsals, applications, seminars …? A huge amount of assignments, appointments and projects but yet the only thing that seems for sure: There…

  • Long Night against Procrastination

    Long Night against Procrastination

    Long Night against Procrastination on 1 March 2018 // 6.00 to 10.00 p.m. // Leipzig University’s Campus Library // i. a. workshops provided by Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Psychosocial Counselling. All students are invited to the evening themed „better together“ on 1 March 2018 from 6.00 to 10.00 p.m. at the Leipzig University Campus Library. At this…

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