Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Family Breakfast Invitation For 26 May

    Family Breakfast Invitation For 26 May

    On 26 May, the 14th family breakfast takes place at student restaurant Mensa am Park. From 9.00 to 11.00 a.m., student parents have the opportunity to talk to people from various organizations and institutions in an informal atmosphere about the questions and problems that studying with children brings about. Studentenwerk Leipzig, the family initiatives of…

  • International Students: Show Us Your Cooking Skills!

    International Students: Show Us Your Cooking Skills!

    You would like to show your recipe to a broad audience, give an insight into a culture that you love and take an exclusive look behind the scenes of one of our student restaurants? We, Studentenwerk Leipzig, are looking for dedicated international students who want to team up with one of our mensa chefs to…

  • Veggie-Day at Mensa Academica on 26 April

    Veggie-Day at Mensa Academica on 26 April

    On Veggie-Day, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively at student restaurant Mensa Academica. For all vegetarians, vegans and flexitarians: 26 April is Veggie-Day at student restaurant Mensa Academica. We offer for example the gourmet veggie burger with avocado and quinoa or falafel, tortellini with pesto and oven-roasted vegetables or a sweet potato and pumpkin curry…

  • University Info Days: We Answer Questions

    University Info Days: We Answer Questions

    Info days on 21 April at HTWK and 28 April at Leipzig University. With information booths and presentations, Studentenwerk Leipzig takes part at the University Info Day at Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (HTWK) on 21 April and on information day at University of Leipzig on 28 April. You can find us here:…

  • Special Offer: Asian Meets Oriental

    Special Offer: Asian Meets Oriental

    Asian and oriental dishes are offered at student restaurant Mensa am Park. From 16 to 20 April we take a culinary trip to the Far East: Student restaurant Mensa am Park offers dishes from the Orient and Asia. On the menu are for example Tandoori chicken, indian dal and baked paprika with hummus.

  • “Yes we change” – Studentenwerke Photo Competition

    “Yes we change” – Studentenwerke Photo Competition

    The Studentenwerke Photo Competition is aimed at change. Change is constant and the most natural thing in the world is in fact: change. The sixth edition of the Studentenwerke Photo Competition is aimed at photographs from students who describe experiencing and creating change and alteration. What new grounds do students break, how do they encounter…

  • Veggie-Day at Mensa Peterssteinweg on 11 April

    Veggie-Day at Mensa Peterssteinweg on 11 April

    On Veggie-Day, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively at student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg. For all vegetarians, vegans and flexitarians: 11 April is Veggie-Day at student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg. We offer for example spinach lasagna, spelt risotto and burgers with sweet potatoes and amaranth. You can find an overview of our menu on our menu website.…

  • Studentenwerk Leipzig sells Viva con Agua

    Studentenwerk Leipzig sells Viva con Agua

    The mineral water that wants to change the world is added to our range of products. At the beginning of summer semester 2018, we extend our range of beverages by adding the 0.5 l PET bottles from Viva con Agua. True to their theme “Water for all – all for water”, the non-profit charity Viva con…

  • Welcome to Summer Semester 2018!

    Welcome to Summer Semester 2018!

    The new semester has begun. Here you can find information, contacts and support. Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all students to the beginning of summer semester 2018! We, Studentenwerk Leipzig, offer many services around studying and living in Leipzig. You can find information on all of our departments and their respective contacts on our website. Student Housing Student…

  • 1000 Cultural Funding Applications Handed In Since 2008

    1000 Cultural Funding Applications Handed In Since 2008

    This March, the 1000th application for cultural funding since 2008 was handed in at Studentenwerk Leipzig. For more than 10 years now, Studentenwerk Leipzig provides financial support for culturual student projects true to their motto „Von Studierenden für Studierende“. In March, the 1000th application for cultural funding since 2008 has been handed in at Studentenwerk.…

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