Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Beyond Culinary Borders: Students Cooking For Students

    Beyond Culinary Borders: Students Cooking For Students

    International cooking: In student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg, students prepare international meals together with our mensa chefs. International students will cook their favorite recipes from Brasil, China, Yemen, the USA, Pakistan and Zimbabwe together with our mensa chefs in one of our student restaurants. Students of all of Leipzig’s universities and academies are invited to try…

  • Info Event For International Students: Working In Germany

    Info Event For International Students: Working In Germany

    Studentenwerk Leipzig’s tutors invite you to their next information event „Jobben in Deutschland“. From applying for a job to working in Germany – all questions will be answered. You would like to work in Germany after graduating? International students have to consider many things if they want to do so. Important questions might be: How do…

  • Good Outcome With Low Income

    Good Outcome With Low Income

    Information events during the German debt counselling week On 6 and 7 June, two information events within the framework of the German debt counselling week take place on the Augustusplatz campus. On the event days, students can receive information on contracts and debts and learn how to budget their money well. The events take place…

  • New Do-It-Yourself Bicycle Repair Shop In Reudnitz

    New Do-It-Yourself Bicycle Repair Shop In Reudnitz

    The new bicycle repair shop “Radschlag” opens in Leipzig’s East. Our Do-It-Yourself Bicycle Repair Shop “Radgeber” will have a younger sibling: “Radschlag” opens on 1 June in Reudnitz. At both locations, students can repair their bikes for free (student card is needed for validation). The new shop is only five minutes away from our student…

  • Sustainability Week In Student Restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg

    Sustainability Week In Student Restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg

    From 28 May to 1 June, we host a sustainability theme week in our student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg. From 28 May to 1 June we would like to advert regional, sustainably produced, organic and fair traded products in our meals. We obtain and use regional dairy produce from farm Landgut Nemt and sustainably produced meat…

  • Veggie-Day at Mensa am Park on 24 May

    Veggie-Day at Mensa am Park on 24 May

    On Veggie-Day, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively in student restaurant Mensa am Park. For all vegetarians, vegans and flexitarians: 24 May is Veggie-Day in our student restaurant Mensa am Park. We offer for example a crisp milk-based schnitzel with gouda fillng together with spring ratatouille and chips, a Sicilian aubergine and potato masala and…

  • Photography Exhibition “Irish Landscapes”

    Photography Exhibition “Irish Landscapes”

    Until the end of June, photographs of the Emerald Isle are on display. Student Luise Bottin is fascinated with Ireland. From September 2016 to February 2017, she was on the Emerald Isle due to her Erasmus semester and after that spent several holidays in Ireland. The most fascinating things to her are the various landscapes which…

  • Info Evening Events: Tandem Meeting / Working in Germany

    Info Evening Events: Tandem Meeting / Working in Germany

    For the second time already, a Tandem meeting was initiated by Studentenwerk Leipzig in collaboration with the Language Center of Leipzig University. Meeting new people, learning new languages: Tandem makes it possible! Tandem is a learning strategy that helps two people support each other learning new languages. On 8 May, the info evening themed “Tandem”…

  • Easy Payment with AutoLoad!

    Easy Payment with AutoLoad!

    After registering, you can top up your card at the checkouts of all student restaurants and cafeterias – directly and without hard cash through AutoLoad. No more waiting in line at the loading terminals, no embarrassing situations at our checkouts when there’s not enough money on your card: With AutoLoad, you can load money onto your…

  • Bridge Day on 11 May: Student Restaurants Closed / No Office Hours

    Bridge Day on 11 May: Student Restaurants Closed / No Office Hours

    On 11 May, there will be no office and opening hours at Studentenwerk Leipzig. Student restaurants and cafeterias are closed on that day. On Friday, 11 May 2018 all student restaurants and cafeterias are closed. Student restaurant Mensa am Park is closed on 12 May as well. On 11 May, there will be no office/opening…

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