Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Don’t forget to submit your BAföG application!

    Don’t forget to submit your BAföG application!

    Submit your application for further funding now to avoid gaps. To ensure continuous BAföG funding, the follow-up application should be submitted to the Department for Grants in July if the deadline is in August. Initial applications should be submitted as early as possible. Please use the online application helper. If you do, mistakes can be avoided…

  • Together Against Violence and Intolerance

    Together Against Violence and Intolerance

    Position paper after violent assault on transgender student of Leipzig University “Last week we learned with utter dismay of the verbal and physical assault on a transgender person studying at the University of Leipzig.We strongly oppose such attacks.As actors/actresses of society, we position ourselves clearly against all forms of hatred and violence.For this reason, we…

  • Veggie-Days at Student Restaurants Mensa am Park and Mensa am Elsterbecken

    Veggie-Days at Student Restaurants Mensa am Park and Mensa am Elsterbecken

    Two upcoming Veggie-Days! Vegan and vegetarian delicacies on your Mensa plates: On 31 July we offer e.g. pineapple in buckwheat batter, spinach pancakes and Saxonian Quarkkeulchen with apple puree. On 2 August we offer in student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken e.g. risotto balls on a fresh salad mix with ciabatta. All meals can be found…

  • Financial Pressure on International Students Increases

    Financial Pressure on International Students Increases

    A survey conducted on international students in 2016 reveals increasing burdens from student jobs and rising rental costs. The 2016 results of surveying foreign students in the framework of the 21st Social Survey conducted by Deutsches Studentenwerk have now been published. The report made it clear that international students face increasing challenges in order to…

  • 11 July is Veggie-Day in Mensa Peterssteinweg

    11 July is Veggie-Day in Mensa Peterssteinweg

    On Veggie-Day we offer vegan and vegetarian dishes exclusively. On 11 July we’ll have a Veggie-Day in student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg! On the menu is for example pea stew with mint cream and rye whole-grain bread as well as yellow pepper filled with couscous and vegan mashed sweet potatoes. All meals can be found on our…

  • Changed office hours during the summer period

    Changed office hours during the summer period

    Some of the office hours in July and August are changed. Student Housing 2-7-2018 to 20-7-2018: Tuesday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. // Thursday 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 23-7-2018 to 3-8-2018: No office hours (appointments upon prior arrangement) 6-8-2018 to 17-8-2018: Tuesday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. // Thursday 9…

  • Veggie-Days in Mensa Academica and am Elsterbecken

    Veggie-Days in Mensa Academica and am Elsterbecken

    Two Veggie-Days this week! This week we’ll have two days with vegan and vegetarian delicacies: On 4 July in Mensa Academica with meals like tortellini, pesto and oven baked vegetables as well as green spelt tofu burgers with sprouts and a guacamole dip. On 5 July we offer in student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken meals like…

  • New Workshop for International Students

    New Workshop for International Students

    Tools for a successful semester: Psychosocial Counselling offers a new workshop for international students. Studying abroad offers many opportunities and exciting experiences, but also many challenges – however, there are also well-known challenges like procrastination. Our Psychosocial Counselling offers a workshop in English on that topic: "I'll start next week!" – or how to beat endless postponing REGISTRATION:…

  • World Cup Specials In Our Student Restaurants

    World Cup Specials In Our Student Restaurants

    Daily changing meals from participating nations! For the 2018 Fifa World Cup our student restaurants have a special for you: During the group stage, we offer meals from nations who play on the respective days. On Monday, 18 June, we offer Swedish beefsteak and English fish and chips. On Thursday, 21 June, we offer French…

  • Photo Competition: Online Voting Starts

    Photo Competition: Online Voting Starts

    This year, the best photos are chosen via online voting for the first time in the history of the competition. Until 1 June, students could hand in their photos on the topic “Yes we change” for the Studentenwerke Photo Competition. For the first time in the history of the competition, winners are chosen through an…

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