Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • AutoLoad Registration and Mensa Card Service

    AutoLoad Registration and Mensa Card Service

    AutoLoad registration as well as hand-out, replacement, extension of validity, and balance transfers can be made directly at our student restaurants on selected dates. At the beginning of the semester, we offer the AutoLoad registration directly at our student restaurants! At the same time, the usual Mensa Card service is offered on the dates listed…

  • BAföG – It’s worth applying!

    BAföG – It’s worth applying!

    There are many good reasons to apply for BAföG (deriving from The German Federal Training Assistance Act). Even if your BAföG rate is low, you are completely exempt from paying broadcasting license fees! Did you know? Only half must be repaid!NO MATTER HOW MUCH BAFÖG YOU RECEIVE – At least one half is a gift, the rest is…

  • Campaign for Fair Rents: Participate Now!

    Campaign for Fair Rents: Participate Now!

    Initiated by a number of German Studentenwerk organizations, the campaign themed "Kopf braucht Dach" which is aimed at low priced rents for student housing, runs for some time now. It is an appeal to politics on federal and state level to support Studentenwerk in building and maintaining affordable student housing. At Studenenwerk Leipzig, the rent…

  • Current Status: WS 2018/19 Halls of Residence Applications

    Current Status: WS 2018/19 Halls of Residence Applications

    You would like to apply for a room in our halls of residence or you applied already and would like to know the processing status? For the 2018/19 winter semester, Studentenwerk Leipzig has already received far more applications for their halls of residence than there are free rooms available. We are currently busy assigning free…

  • New Head of Social Services

    New Head of Social Services

    Since 1 September 2018, there is a new head of department for Social Services.

  • Student Housing Offers Additional Office Hours

    Student Housing Offers Additional Office Hours

    You are entering the critical stage of house hunting and a sense of achievement doesn’t seem to be in sight? In order to answer all questions, Studentenwerk Leipzig offers additional office hours in their Student Housing department. The winter semester is approaching. That means many new but also established students are looking for accommodation. Studentenwerk Leipzig provides homes…

  • 7 September is Veggie-Day at Student Restaurant Mensa am Park

    7 September is Veggie-Day at Student Restaurant Mensa am Park

    On Veggie-Day, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively in our student restaurant. For Veggie-Day on 7 September, we offer vegan and vegetarian meals exclusively at student restaurant Mensa am Park. This time you can have e.g. couscous and vegetable tartlets with chili tomato sauce, potato pockets stuffed with tomatoes and mozzarella as well as…

  • New Photography Exhibition “People of India” at Studentenwerk

    New Photography Exhibition “People of India” at Studentenwerk

    In September and October, photos of a trip to India are exhibited at Studentenwerk Leipzig. Erik Falkenhain spent one month in northern India. His travels led him from a small village near New Delhi, where he participated in farm work, to the Golden Temple in Amritsar at the Pakistani border and to the residence of…

  • University of Leipzig Develops App: Support for Syrian Refugees

    University of Leipzig Develops App: Support for Syrian Refugees

    What kind of support do people who have fled Syria need? // Wanted are refugees who would like to speak about their experiences. As part of a research project, University of Leipzig’s Faculty of Medicine is going to codevelop an app that will help traumatized people who have fled Syria. War and escape can have…

  • 15 August is Veggie-Day in Student Restaurant Mensa Academica

    15 August is Veggie-Day in Student Restaurant Mensa Academica

    On Veggie-Day we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively in our student restuarant. On 15 August, only vegan and vegetarian meals are offered due to Veggie-Day in student restaurant Mensa Academica. We offer e.g. yellow thai curry with colorful vegetables, broccoli tortellini gratin and yeast dumplings with cherry filling. All meals can be found on our…

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