Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • New Photography Exhibition at Studentenwerk Leipzig

    New Photography Exhibition at Studentenwerk Leipzig

    New year, new exhibition: Marian Hummel exhibits his photographs on the subject “Another Perspective”. The photographer and student at Leipzig University, Marian Hummel, split his exhibition in two parts: In the first part, his photographs show impressions of the past years in black and white, taken at different places. In the second part, Hummel invites the…

  • Budget resolution for 2019/20: Higher subsidies for student restaurants, halls of residence and counselling!

    Budget resolution for 2019/20: Higher subsidies for student restaurants, halls of residence and counselling!

    The Saxon Landtag has approved the budget resolution for 2019/20. Saxon Studentenwerk organizations receive significantly higher subsidies. Good news for students: In comparison with the budget for 2017/18, the Saxon Landtag has approved the budget for the upcoming two years which provides significantly higher subsidies for the Saxon Studentenwerk organizations! The subsidies for running operations, e.g. financing…

  • Opening Hours Over the Christmas and New Year Break

    Opening Hours Over the Christmas and New Year Break

    We have changed opening hours in our student restaurants and cafeterias as well as changed office hours at Studentenwerk Leipzig. The year is coming to an end and everyone who has to settle matters with the help of Studentenwerk Leipzig should take a look at the changed office and opening hours. Student Restaurants & Cafeterias:…

  • Take part in our student restaurant satisfaction survey!

    Take part in our student restaurant satisfaction survey!

    From 10 to 21 December 2018, we conduct a satisfaction survey for our student restaurants and cafeterias. When it comes to our students telling us what they think about our dining facilities, there can’t be too many cooks in the kitchen. We are currently conducting a survey and we would like to know what you think. What…

  • DAAD awards Student Hall Tutor

    DAAD awards Student Hall Tutor

    Our former student hall spokesperson and current tutor for internatial students, Pavel Raus, was awarded the DAAD prize! Pavel Raus was awarded the prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Born in Russia, he is currently studying European Studies in the Master's programme at Leipzig University. He was awarded not only for his outstanding…

  • Advent Afternoon for Student Parents

    Advent Afternoon for Student Parents

    Our Social Counselling department organises an Advent get-together for student parents and their children. Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Social Counselling department cordially invites student parents and their children to a Christmassy get-together with coffee, hot chocolate and Christmas cookies. We have planned all kinds of activities for our small guests. Meanwhile their parents may chat away with each…

  • 7 December is Veggie-Day at Mensa am Park

    7 December is Veggie-Day at Mensa am Park

    On Veggie-Day, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively in our student restaurant Mensa am Park. During Christmas time we feast a lot, we eat a lot of solid food, a lot of meat and we grant ourselves a lot of fat on our plates. A healthy alternative is our upcoming Veggie-Day on 7 December at…

  • Tenant Satisfaction Survey

    Tenant Satisfaction Survey

    What is living like in our student halls of residence? We are currently conducting another satisfaction survey among all students living in our student halls. For us to receive as many opinions as possible, all our student hall tenants are invited to participate in our tenant satisfaction survey until 9 December. The results will help us improve…

  • Christmas Week in all Student Restaurants and Cafeterias!

    Christmas Week in all Student Restaurants and Cafeterias!

    From 3 to 7 December 2018, we offer at least one Christmas meal daily in each of our student restaurants and cafeterias. Christmas is coming! And in order to get us all in a Christmassy mood, we dish up festive meals. From 3 to 7 December, we offer at least one Christmas meal per day in our student…

  • Mensa am Park is one of the most vegan-friendly facilities in 2018

    Mensa am Park is one of the most vegan-friendly facilities in 2018

    The animal rights organization PETA Deutschland awarded Studentenwerk Leipzig this year again for its vegan menu in student restaurant Mensa am Park. Student restaurant Mensa am Park was awarded three out of four stars for its vegan offer – a very good rating considering four stars were only awarded to the entirely vegetarian Mensa facilities in…

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