Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts Strasbourg Chefs

    Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts Strasbourg Chefs

    The 25th anniversary of the Crous Strasbourg and Studentenwerk Leipzig partnership is celebrated with a culinary exchange On 22 and 23 May our French colleagues take over student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken's kitchen. Could there be a better event to celebrate the partnership between Crous Strasbourg and Studentenwerk Leipzig? With the exchange of chefs, Crous Strasbourg and…

  • Student Restaurant Survey: The results are in!

    Student Restaurant Survey: The results are in!

    Customer satisfaction increases further: Studentenwerk Leipzig releases results of the student restaurant and cafeteria customer satisfaction survey The results of the student restaurant and cafeteria customer satisfaction survey conducted in December 2018 are here. One observation: The overall satisfaction of our customers increased compared with the results from the 2015 survey. A good 48% of…

  • It’s asparagus time! Theme week at Mensa Peterssteinweg

    It’s asparagus time! Theme week at Mensa Peterssteinweg

    From 13 to 17 May, daily changing asparagus dishes are offered at student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg. Spring time is asparagus time and those of you who cannot get enough will look forward to our asparagus themed week at student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg: Head of student restaurant Martin Beyer and his team offer from 13 to…

  • Photo Exhibition ‘Spring in Patagonia’

    Photo Exhibition ‘Spring in Patagonia’

    The new photo exhibition at Studentenwerk features impressive shots from Patagonia Matching the current season of the year, the new photography exhibition at Studentenwerk Leipzig is spring themed—but this kind of spring does not correspond to the kind of spring we know. Svetlana Gilfert, student of Business Informatics at Leipzig University, travelled through the Patagonian Los Glaciares National Park…

  • 4 May: Studentenwerk Leipzig at University Information Day of Leipzig University

    4 May: Studentenwerk Leipzig at University Information Day of Leipzig University

    Studentenwerk Leipzig will be at the University Information Day of Leipzig University on 4 May. Learn more about student housing, BAföG and visit our student halls of residence. If you consider studying at Leipzig University, you should attend University Open Day of Leipzig University on 4 May 2019. At the event you do not only receive…

  • Family Breakfast Invitation for Students with Child(ren)

    Family Breakfast Invitation for Students with Child(ren)

    Student restaurant Mensa am Park is reserved for students and their children in the morning of 27 April. Students of all Leipzig universities/academies and their child(ren) are invited to the 16th Family Breakfast. Studentenwerk Leipzig and Leipzig University’s equal opportunities office offer a healthy breakfast buffet for young and old. There will also be a variety…

  • Franco-German Theatre Workshop: Apply now!

    Franco-German Theatre Workshop: Apply now!

    A few places are available for the theatre workshop in Strasbourg from 3 to 7 June Our partner Studentenwerk organisation in France, Crous Strasbourg, organizes on the occasion of the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup in France a Franco-German theatre workshop in Strasbourg themed "Dare to shine". The workshop takes place in Strasbourg from 3 to 7…

  • BAföG benefits despite Brexit

    BAföG benefits despite Brexit

    A stay abroad in the United Kingdom subsidised with BAföG benefits can be continued after Brexit. The same applies to studying in Germany for British students. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research makes preparations as the dreaded, alleged Brexit deadline approaches: It must be prevented that students are being forced to terminate their (academic) training in…

  • Culture Spotlight April 2019

    Culture Spotlight April 2019

    Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Cultural Funding supports cultural events for students. The financial means are awarded upon application. Many past CAMMERSPIELE productions were financially supported by our Cultural funding department. In April, our Culture Spotlight is spot on for their play “Fragmente aus Heften und losen Blättern” (roughly: Fragments from notebooks and loose pages) referring to texts by…

  • The opening date for student restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” is official!

    The opening date for student restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” is official!

    After three and a half years with the interim Mensaria, the time has come: the new student restaurant on the University’s medical campus opens its doors on 20 May 2019. The date is official: On 20 May 2019, the new student restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” opens. From 12.00 noon, students, university employees and guests have access…

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