Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Semester ticket as from WS 19/20: Expanded service and higher contributions

    Semester ticket as from WS 19/20: Expanded service and higher contributions

    Contract extension aftermath: Semester ticket for students with more service and higher contributions The new contract for the MDV semester ticket goes into effect as from winter semester 2019/20. The improvements include that first year students can use the full scope of the MDV semester ticket one month prior to the actual start of the…

  • Veggie-Days in student restaurants “Mensa Peterssteinweg” and “Mensa am Medizincampus”

    Veggie-Days in student restaurants “Mensa Peterssteinweg” and “Mensa am Medizincampus”

    On Veggie-Day, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively in student restaurants “Mensa Peterssteinweg” and “Mensa am Medizincampus” Our next Veggie-Day takes place on 5 June in student restaurant "Mensa Peterssteinweg". On that day, we offer only vegan and vegetarian meals in that facility. There will be nutty broccoli wedges and beef tomatoes with quinoa vegetable stuffing.…

  • Take part in our food allergen survey

    Take part in our food allergen survey

    We are currently conducting a survey on food allergies and intolerances to food constituents. What we would like to know: How many of our customers in our student restaurants and cafeterias suffer from food allergies or food intolerances? With our extensive allergen monitoring and hygiene concept, we ensure food safety and customer satisfaction on a…

  • Student Restaurant Event Week: A Journey through South America!

    Student Restaurant Event Week: A Journey through South America!

    From 3 to 7 June, student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken offers South American dishes. Head of student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken, Mrs Hilbert, and her team invite you to a culinary journey through South America from 3 to 7 June. They offer e.g. pulled chicken wraps with guacamole, a Feijoada (Brasilian stew with beans), enchiladas,…

  • Saxon Parliament Elections on 1 Sep: What are the parties’ attitudes towards us?

    Saxon Parliament Elections on 1 Sep: What are the parties’ attitudes towards us?

    The Saxon Studentenwerk organizations see the need for further political action regarding the students’ social infrastructure. We, the Saxon Studentenwerk organizations, want to shape the social infrastructure and conditions for students adequately according to our statutory mission. This is only possible if Saxon state politics provide sufficient financial means for e.g. the refurbishment of student…

  • Bridging Day 31 May: We’re closed!

    Bridging Day 31 May: We’re closed!

    A public holiday and and an extra day off before the weekend (a bridging day): please note the changed opening and office hours. The 30th of May is a public holiday, meaning all Studentenwerk facilities are closed including the Department for Grants and ALL student restaurants and cafeterias. This applies not only for the 30th but…

  • Tandem event: It was délicieux!

    Tandem event: It was délicieux!

    Strasbourg chefs prepared meals from their region in student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken In French refectories you’ll always enjoy a complete menu including a starter, a main course and a dessert. Leipzig students could try this lunch variation on 22 and 23 May when we hosted colleagues from our French partner Studentenwerk organization Crous de Strasbourg in…

  • Culture Spotlight May 2019

    Culture Spotlight May 2019

    In Culture Spotlight we present a special project that is supported by our Cultural Funding. The financial means for student culture are awarded upon application. Our Culture Spotlight in May highlights an exhibition by art club gegenwart e. V.. “UDO – Raumbilder der Utopie und Dystopie” is about architectural extremes. The exhibition wants to initiate…

  • Student Restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” Reopened

    Student Restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” Reopened

    On 20 May 2019, Studentenwerk Leipzig’s student restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” opened its doors in attendance of Saxon Federal Minister for Science and Arts Dr. Eva-Maria Stange. Right on time for lunch, the Federal Minister and Studentenwerk Leipzig opened the doors to the new student restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” for about 1,000 customers. The first…

  • BAföG to be reformed by next winter semester

    BAföG to be reformed by next winter semester

    Increased housing benefit, income allowances and a new maximum award rate—all that will come by Winter Semester 2019/20. The German Bundestag adopts a new BAföG reform: From August 2019 a new maximum award rate, higher income allowances and adjusted housing benefits apply. The most important changes in detail The maximum award rate is to rise…

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