Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Studentenwerk Leipzig receives subsidies for investments in student restaurants and halls

    Studentenwerk Leipzig receives subsidies for investments in student restaurants and halls

    Subsidies by the Free State were awarded in 2019: Studentenwerk about to refurbish and modernize Cafeteria Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße and more Studentenwerk Leipzig requested funding from the Saxon State Ministry of Science and Arts (SMWK) to realize urgent construction measures in student restaurants and student halls of residence. These subsidies were recently granted. With them, Cafeteria Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße is now…

  • 25 July is Veggie-Day in student restaurant Mensa Academica

    25 July is Veggie-Day in student restaurant Mensa Academica

    On Veggie-Day, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively in student restaurant Mensa Academica. Only vegetarian and vegan meals are offered in student restaurant Mnesa Academica on 25 July. On the menu are e.g. a brokkoli-tortelini gratin, a thai coconut burger or rice pudding with butter and cinnamon/sugar. All meals are listed on our menu…

  • Start networking! New Facebook Group for Students with Child(ren)

    Start networking! New Facebook Group for Students with Child(ren)

    The new facebook group „Studium mit Kind Leipzig“ provides student parents with information, event tips and serves a platform for exchange. Studentenwerk Leipzig wants to give student parents (to be) an additional opportunity to reveicve information on studying with children quickly, easily and digitally. Therefore, the facebook group "Studium mit Kind Leipzig" was opened recently.…

  • Guideline for teachers: Students with mental health challenges

    Guideline for teachers: Students with mental health challenges

    Studying with psychological problems—what to do? A guideline provides help for teachers. Students often find themselves in a vulnerable position due to a completely new life situation caused by the various challenges they have to face. For many, this is the first thime they'll suffer from a mental disease or they'll notice an intensification of…

  • Culture Spotlight July 2019

    Culture Spotlight July 2019

    In Culture Spotlight we present a special project that is supported by our Cultural Funding. The financial means for student culture are awarded upon application. The Cammerspiele summer programme is our Culture Spotlight this month. This year "Adams Äpfel" is played. Ivan is a country parson in a small village who passionately cares for former prisoners. As in…

  • Special: Burger Week in Student Restaurant Mensa am Medizincampus

    Special: Burger Week in Student Restaurant Mensa am Medizincampus

    A special burger is waiting for you every day between 15 and 26 July. Burger aficionados, watch out: Student restaurant Mensa am Medizincampus offers delicious burgers daily between 15 and 26 July. From Monday to Friday, the team of Mensa am Medizincampus prepares their very own burger creations for you, like e.g. a pulled pork burger with coleslaw, a gorgonzola beef…

  • Changed Office Hours for Student Housing in Summer 2019

    Changed Office Hours for Student Housing in Summer 2019

    In July and August, there are some changes in Student Housing’s availability. In July and August, the office hours for the Student Housing department change: 15.07.2019-26.07.2019: Tue 1-5 pm // Thu 9-11 am, 1-3  pm 29.07.2019-09.08.2019: No office hours (appointments upon prior request are possible) 12.08.2019-23.08.2019: Tue 1-5 pm // Thu 9-11 am, 1-5 pm Questions on housing? Our hotline +49…

  • 2019 Saxony State Election:  Do the parties stand by us?

    2019 Saxony State Election: Do the parties stand by us?

    Before the upcoming state election, Saxon Studentenwerk organisations pose questions to parties regarding their plans for higher education institutions. In the run-up to the state elections on 1 September, Saxon Studentenwerk organisations asked the parties nine questions with a kind request for reply. The questions are about topics like student restaurant subsidies and social counselling services or the…

  • Tableware wanted!

    Tableware wanted!

    Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Tutors are calling for tableware donations for international students. More often than not, international students stay for only for one or two semesters in Leipzig—buying a whole new set of tableware isn't reasonable and often too costly. In order to support internationals, Studentenwerk Leipzig's tutors opened the Tableware Exchange a couple of years ago. Tableware that…

  • BAföG: Apply now for further funding!

    BAföG: Apply now for further funding!

    Don’t forget to submit your application for further funding! In order to ensure seamless funding, the application must be submitted in July. Students who receive BAföG and whose funding period ends in September must submit the complete application for further funding to the Department for Grants in July in order to have seamless funding guaranteed. To anyone…

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