Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Winter-proofing your bike

    Winter-proofing your bike

    Tips and tricks for students: Getting trough the cold season well by bike.

  • Student Family Center “StuFaz” in Leipzig

    Student Family Center “StuFaz” in Leipzig

    Our unique offer for student parents and their children: StuFaz is a place to study, play, relax, get in touch and get informed. For winter semester our new Student Family Center “StuFaz” is opening its doors. The StuFaz is a meeting place, a place for counselling and events as well as point of contact and a…

  • Stress and Time Management: Weekend Workshop for HMT Students

    Stress and Time Management: Weekend Workshop for HMT Students

    Register by 23 October: Our psychosocial counselling service organises a weekend workshop on stress and time management for HMT students on 26/27 October 2019. The semester barely started but tasks, appointments and and plans are piling up. The only thing that seems certain is that no spare time will be left. If anxiety adds to the…

  • Special offers in your Mensa: Oktoberfest and Venison-week

    Special offers in your Mensa: Oktoberfest and Venison-week

    Between 21 October and 25 October two Mensas at once have special offers for you: Oktoberfest & Venison-week. In the week of 21 October to 25 October two Mensas at a time are mixing up their menu.  During this week the Mensa am Elsterbecken is hosting a "Venison-week" special. A regional high-quality game dish will…

  • New opening hours: Mensa am Medizincampus stays open longer now

    New opening hours: Mensa am Medizincampus stays open longer now

    For a more relaxed lunch: starting from winter semester 2019/20 Mensa & Cafeteria am Medizincampus extend their opening hours. Mensa & Cafeteria am Medizincampus are changing their opening hours in favor of their guests. Since opening in May 2019 the Mensa & Cafeteria am Medizincampus are very well received and especially during lunchtime, they are…

  • Waste Separation – How it’s done correctly!

    Waste Separation – How it’s done correctly!

    The new educational video shows how it’s done right. Educational Video About Waste Separation Germans are the world champions of waste separation. And in order to understand and implement the small nuances of correct waste separation, Studentenwerk Leipzig produced an educational video in collaboration with the Leipziger Stadtreinigung (the city’s cleaning service). This video was…

  • Invitation to our 8th International Café

    Invitation to our 8th International Café

    On Friday October 25 international students can join us at International Café, get counselling and network International Students of all universities in Leipzig are invited to join us for another International Café on October 25.  In a cozy atmosphere, you will have the opportunity to enjoy coffee and cake and find out about the many offers of the Studentenwerk,…

  • Veggie-Day on October 10 in two student restaurants

    Veggie-Day on October 10 in two student restaurants

    For Veggie-Day we offer tasty vegetarian and vegan dishes in the student restaurants am Medizincampus and am Elsterbecken. Vegan and vegetarian goodies coming right to your cafeteria: On October 10 Veggie-Day is taking place in two of our student restaurants. In our student restaurant and cafeteria am Medizincampus you will find falafel-burgers with fries, parsnip-swede…

  • Improvement of menu and services in Cafeteria „Dittrichring“

    Improvement of menu and services in Cafeteria „Dittrichring“

    To improve our offer in Cafeteria “Dittrichring” we e.g. increased our vegetarian and vegan menu and use less plastic. The evaluation of our last Mensa-survey showed us there is room for improvement in Cafeteria Dittrichring. We are using this now: Starting from October 7, we are changing the product range in HTM Cafeteria. Here are all…

  • Tutorial: Installing wireless LAN/LAN in the student halls of residence

    Tutorial: Installing wireless LAN/LAN in the student halls of residence

    NEW: Video-manual for installing studNET in the student halls of residence of Studentenwerk Leipzig From now on students, who need a little help installing wireless LAN in the student halls of residence, get some visual support. One of our colleagues from IT took the time to prepare several video-tutorials. These step-by-step instructions can help students…

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