Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Special offer in Mensa am Park: Autumn cream soups

    Special offer in Mensa am Park: Autumn cream soups

    Mensa am Park we offers delicious soups at our vending cart every day from 25 to 29 November. What could be better than a bowl of hot cream soup to warm you up from cold November weather? Nothing we could think of, that is why the team of Mensa am Park will prepare a different soup…

  • International Cooking: Good food, great mood

    International Cooking: Good food, great mood

    On 15 November, some of our international students took over Mensa am Medizincampus and prepared delicious dishes from their home countries. Almost 200 guests came to Mensa am Medizincampus on Friday to taste delicious food: International students followed our invitation and prepared tasty dishes from their countries of origin. The dimensions of the Mensa kitchen, both…

  • Photo exhibition: partial portraits

    Photo exhibition: partial portraits

    The last photo exhibition in this year is devoted to portraits – but with an unconventional approach. Therese von Alten, who studies political science and Arabic studies at the University of Leipzig, is starting a special experiment with her current photo exhibition: She shows only partial portraits and deliberately leaves out the faces of the…

  • Workshop for international students of the HTWK: Studying stress-free

    Workshop for international students of the HTWK: Studying stress-free

    In this workshop the psychosocial counselling service provides helpful tips on how to deal with overstrain, inner restlessness and concentration problems. International students face many challenges when studying in a foreign country. These can add up with common study problems like feeling of overstrain, inner restlessness and concentration problems. That is why our Psychosocial Counselling offers solution strategies…

  • 13 November: Veggie-Day in Mensa am Park

    13 November: Veggie-Day in Mensa am Park

    For Veggie-Day we offer tasty vegetarian and vegan dishes in Mensa am Park. For Veggie-Day on 13 November, Mensa am Park offers exclusively vegan and vegetarian dishes. The menu includes pumpkin seed vegetable hash-browns, tofu green seed burger and falafel with tzatziki and steakhouse fries. You can find all dishes that will be served on Veggie-Day on…

  • International students are cooking for their fellow students

    International students are cooking for their fellow students

    Once a year international students team up with the chefs of our student restaurants to prepare dishes from their home countries. On November 15, international students will prepare a favorite dish from their home country in the Mensa am Medizincampus. This year dishes from Yemen, China, Ecuador and Egypt are spicing things up. Extraordinary challenge:  large quantities and…

  • Invitation to the 17th Family Breakfast in Mensa am Park

    Invitation to the 17th Family Breakfast in Mensa am Park

    A breakfast buffet and a colourful program bring students and their children to the Mensa am Park once a semester. The family breakfast is a popular event with our student parents. All student parents of all Leipzig universities and their kids are heartily invited to join the 17th Family Breakfast. This Saturday, Studentenwerk Leipzig and…

  • Culture Spotlight November 2019

    Culture Spotlight November 2019

    In Culture Spotlight we present a special project that is supported by our Cultural Funding. The financial means for student culture are granted upon application. Our Culture Spotlight in November is about the RuTiLuSt-Winter-Warm-Up. The abbreviation RuTiLuSt  stands for "round table of independent student clubs Leipzig". This is the association of the eight active student clubs…

  • Regional & seasonal: Action week at your Mensa

    Regional & seasonal: Action week at your Mensa

    From 11 November to 15 November, Mensa am Medizincampus offers regional and seasonal food. During the week from 11 to 15 November, the Mensa am Medizincampus focuses on regional and seasonal cuisine. The menu includes regional, homemade beef roulades; parsnip turnip rösti; regional meadow quark with herbs and linseed oil from Landgut Nemt; seitan strips from…

  • Pumpkin-week in Mensa am Park

    Pumpkin-week in Mensa am Park

    The week of 4 November – 7 November, Mensa am Park will offer a special pumpkin dish every day. Did you know that the pumpkin is world's biggest berry? And since we can not miss out on something that big, the team of Mensa am Park is dedicating a whole week of special offers to this giant fruit:…

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