Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Looking for a job? The Student Job Office can help / Please note: special conditions apply during a holiday semester

    Looking for a job? The Student Job Office can help / Please note: special conditions apply during a holiday semester

    Many students have lost their part-time jobs, due to the corona pandemic. If you are currently looking for a new job, the easiest way might be to contact our Job Office. The current situation on the job market is not easy, especially for students who work alongside studying. Therefore it is best to contact our…

  • BAföG: Submit follow-up application now!

    BAföG: Submit follow-up application now!

    BAföG will be increase even further in winter semester 2020/21. If you do not want to wait for your BAföG in autumn, it is best to submit a follow-up application now! Last year there was a considerable increase in BAföG. This autumn, BAföG will increase even further. The maximum BAföG rate increases to 752 EUR for students under…

  • SSZ offers limited services

    SSZ offers limited services

    Starting from Tuesday, 2 June SSZ will again offer some services with prearranged appointments. From 2 June 2020, the Student Service Centre (SSZ) will again offer limited services on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 12 noon. For the time being, only the Mensa Card service will be available at desk 5.Please note: You…

  • 25 May: Most of the Mensas and Cafeterias are reopening

    25 May: Most of the Mensas and Cafeterias are reopening

    Starting from 25 May, certain Mensas and Cafeterias will reopen – special infection protection measures according to a hygiene concept will apply.

  • Mensa at Home: Enchiladas filled with beans

    Mensa at Home: Enchiladas filled with beans

    The Mensas are closed and you have no idea what you could cook? We will publish recipes from our Mensa one at a time for you to recook at home. The for now last recipe from our Mensa at home series takes us on a trip to Mexico: we will have enchiladas! The filled, soft…

  • Mensa at Home: White Cabbage Salad

    Mensa at Home: White Cabbage Salad

    The Mensas are closed and you have no idea what you could cook? We will publish recipes from our Mensa one at a time for you to recook at home. The next recipe for our Mensa at home series is another recipe of your choice: We today reveal our trick for a delicious White Cabbage…

  • Mensa at Home: Eggplant „İmam bayıldı“

    Mensa at Home: Eggplant „İmam bayıldı“

    The Mensas are closed and you have no idea what you could cook? We will publish recipes from our Mensa one at a time for you to recook at home. New recipes for the Mensa at home: this one is for braised eggplants filled with vegetables, a dish that is popular in Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria…

  • Long Weekend: Changed Office Hours on Friday, 22 May

    Long Weekend: Changed Office Hours on Friday, 22 May

    Public holiday and bridge day – please consider the changed opening and office hours. The 21 May is a public holiday, we will also use the 22 May as a bridge day. Therefore some services of the Studentenwerk are not available: the Counsellors responsible for housing as well as the Caretakers are not available no…

  • Mensa at Home: White Asparagus with Tomato Vinaigrette

    Mensa at Home: White Asparagus with Tomato Vinaigrette

    The Mensas are closed and you have no idea what you could cook? We will publish recipes from our Mensa one at a time for you to recook at home. This week, we would have organized an asparagus week in Mensa am Medizincampus. To ensure all of you have the chance of enjoying delicious seasonal vegetables,…

  • Summer semester 2020: Validity of the MDV semester ticket

    Summer semester 2020: Validity of the MDV semester ticket

    Under certain conditions the MDV semester ticket is valid from 1 April without an updated imprint on the student card. Due to the current situation and the resulting restrictions on access to the universities in Leipzig, some students cannot validate their student cards for the summer semester. For this reason, the transportation companies in the…

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