Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Welcome to Winter Semester 2023/24!

    Welcome to Winter Semester 2023/24!

    The new semester has started: Welcome to all Leipzig students! Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all newcomers and returning students to Winter Semester 2023/24!  We offer many services around studying and living in Leipzig. You can find information on all of our departments and their respective contacts on our website.

  • City tour for student families in October

    City tour for student families in October

    Truth or tremendous lie? This is what has to be found out during the somewhat different city tour for student families on Saturday, 21 October, 2023. The tour is an offer free of charge for all student parents with child(ren). Truth or tremendous lie? The somewhat different city tour for our student families: On 21…

  • Vegan-friendly: Mensa am Medizincampus receives three stars by PETA

    Vegan-friendly: Mensa am Medizincampus receives three stars by PETA

    Awarded by the animal protection association PETA Germany: Mensa am Medizincampus is among the best Mensas with three stars. The Mensa am Medizincampus receives three stars in the ranking "vegan-friendliest Mensa 2023" by the animal protection association PETA Germany. The assessment criteria for the "vegan-friendliest Mensa 2023" focused mainly on the daily offer of vegan…

  • Information on price adjustments

    Information on price adjustments

    Big and medium salads as well as the grill platter at our Mensas have been adjusted in terms of price. Starting from 1 August, the prices for big and medium salads will increase in all the Studentenwerk Leipzig's Mensas. However, the prices for a small salad will stay the same. Students are now asked to…

  • Outdoor sports classes for student mothers with babies and for pregnant women

    Outdoor sports classes for student mothers with babies and for pregnant women

    Being active in sports, connecting oneself and maintaining physical health during pregnancy and after giving birth – these possibilites are offered by our outdoor sports class. The mixed class is intended for students with babies and for pregnant women. The contents are adapted to the target group of pregnant women as well as mothers with…

  • Statement on planned BAföG budget cuts

    Statement on planned BAföG budget cuts

    The ongoing discussions on drastic cuts of the state budget for 2024 also affect BAföG. We argue for better educational opportunities: Sign the petition now and share the message! Currently there is a heated discussion on cutting the means for BAföG in the state budget for 2024 massively. In case this resolution is approved, students…

  • Annual report 2022 online now

    Annual report 2022 online now

    Student rate growth, learning in presence, increasing number of BAföG appplications: All infos can be found in Studentenwerk Leipzig’s annual report 2022. 2022 will make history as a year of multiple crises, shaped by the ongoing Corona pandemic and challenges like the aggressive war against Ukraine, delivery bottlenecks, energy crisis and inflation. Despite these adverse…

  • The City, The Season: New photo exhibition starting in July

    The City, The Season: New photo exhibition starting in July

    From July to September 2023, Yun Zhao will be presenting her photographs on „The City, The Season“ at Studentenwerk Leipzig. Yun Zhao who introduces herself as "Sunshine" originally comes from Guizhou in South-West China. At Leipzig University she is currently is studying in her fourth semester MBA (Master of Business Administration) which belongs to the SEPT programme. When…

  • Display photos at Studentenwerk

    Display photos at Studentenwerk

    Your own photo exhibition at Studentenwerk – apply now! You have got an idea for a photo series or one waiting to be displayed? You always wanted to find a place to exhibit your work? Studentenwerk Leipzig enables you to realise this wish and supports you during your preparations. You deliver the photos, we provide…

  • Single parent café for student parents

    Single parent café for student parents

    Invitation to our café for single parents – exchanging ideas and networking while having coffee & cake Since April the café for single parents is offering all student parents that feel like belonging to the group of single parents the possibility to get involved in a mutual exchange while having coffee and cake and to benefit…

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