Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Our Villa Unifratz turns 25!

    Our Villa Unifratz turns 25!

    Our Villa Unifratz joins the ranks of this year’s anniversary celebrations: In October, the daycare center celebrates its 25th birthday! Children's laughter moved into the former manor house in the south of Leipzig for the first time in the winter semester of 1996/97. Since then, the magnificent building in Bornaische Straße has been home to…

  • Increased demand for rooms in the halls of residence at the start of the semester

    Increased demand for rooms in the halls of residence at the start of the semester

    Start of construction works in student hall of residence Mainzer Str. 2a / New tenants in student hall of residence Johannes-R.-Becher-Str. 7A after refurbishment Start of construction works in student hall of residence Mainzer Str. 2a From October 2021 to February 2023, Studentenwerk Leipzig will begin renovating the Mainzer Straße 2a student residence complex, which…

  • “All about the application for BAföG” – FAQ online on October 13

    “All about the application for BAföG” – FAQ online on October 13

    The Department for Grants (Amt fuer Ausbildungsfoerderung) answers questions about BAföG on October 13. Students will learn important information and benefits of BAföG funding. The online Q&A session is of interest not only to first-year students. How does the electronic BAföG application via BAföG Digital work? Which deadlines do I need to know? Which forms…

  • Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

    Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

    The new semester is about to begin: We welcome all Leipzig students – especially freshmen and new international students! We are here for you in spite of the coronavirus! Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all new students and returning students to the winter semester 2021/22! Our website provides you with all important information about studying in Leipzig…

  • Bridging assistance expired as planned

    Bridging assistance expired as planned

    Due to a noticeable recovery in the student job market, the bridging assistance paid by Studentenwerk will be discontinued as scheduled. During the coronavirus pandemic, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) responded early to pandemic-related student emergencies with a comprehensive aid package. The so-called bridging assistance (Überbrückungshilfe) provided financial support to students…

  • All student restaurants and cafeterias open for the start of the semester

    All student restaurants and cafeterias open for the start of the semester

    All student restaurants and cafeterias will reopen at the start of the semester, though operating under limited conditions and taking infection control precautions. Takeaway services will also remain open. At the start of the semester on October 4, all our Mensas and Cafeterias will reopen for the consumption of food and beverages on site, subject…

  • Start of the semester: Social counseling present their services

    Start of the semester: Social counseling present their services

    What does our social counseling service do? In October 2021, we will hold events to present our services at the various universities in Leipzig – partly digitally, partly on site. The social counseling service of Studentenwerk is available to students for advice and support. Whether by means of individual counseling or group services – our…

  • Covid-19 break for families

    Covid-19 break for families

    Government-sponsored breaks for families – check eligibility now! The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on many families. To help them recover, the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs (BMFSFJ) is making low-cost family vacation available in one of the participating family recreation facilities to families with lower incomes or who have relatives with disabilities. Families…

  • Vaccination for more attendance during the winter semester

    Vaccination for more attendance during the winter semester

    Take the last chance to get the vaccination at the vaccination center, register for the vaccination with your family doctor from October on, or attend special vaccination events. Getting vaccinated is essential for the chance of a winter semester with more on-site attendance. Those who have not yet been vaccinated can still take offhand advantage…

  • Preparatory German class for refugees at Leipzig University

    Preparatory German class for refugees at Leipzig University

    Refugees who want to study at the University of Leipzig can take part in preparatory German classes free of charge before they start studying. Applications are accepted until October 30. Starting in January 2022, the University of Leipzig will offer a German language class for refugees who want to start studying at Leipzig University. The…

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