Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Our cultural tip for March 2022

    Our cultural tip for March 2022

    A passion concert with Leipzig students: “Stabat mater” by Domenico Scarlatti takes center stage at the Church of the Holy Cross in Leipzig’s Neustadt district. Our cultural tip for March is a concert on the 1st of April. Scarlatti's “Stabat mater”, a masterpiece of Italian vocal music, and works by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Johann Christoph Bach,…

  • Relevo reusable system to be introduced in the Mensa Peterssteinweg as of March 30

    Relevo reusable system to be introduced in the Mensa Peterssteinweg as of March 30

    Expansion of the environmentally friendly reusable system: Relevo is to be introduced in the Mensa Peterssteinweg before the start of the semester.

  • Heating allowance for BAföG recipients to be doubled

    Heating allowance for BAföG recipients to be doubled

    BAföG recipients are to be supported with a heating allowance of 230€. The planned heating allowance for BAföG recipients is to be doubled from the original 115 euros to 230 euros. The most important facts: The allowance will be doubled from the original 115 euros to 230 euros and is to be paid out only…

  • “True or false? The Leipzig Tour of Lies” – City Tour for Student Families in May

    “True or false? The Leipzig Tour of Lies” – City Tour for Student Families in May

    Truth or walloping lies? Find out at the slightly different city tour for student families on Friday, the 21 May 2022. The tour is a service for all student parents with children.

  • Support for students affected by the War in Ukraine

    Support for students affected by the War in Ukraine

    We have compiled valuable information to answer the initial questions. If you have further questions, you can contact the competent person at any time – we will find solutions! You will find the collected information on this page. We do not assume any liability for the content of the external links and cannot guarantee that…

  • BAföG entitlement extended again due to corona

    BAföG entitlement extended again due to corona

    Another extension of the standard period of study: The winter semester 2021/22 will also be declared a pandemic semester. Due to the Corona pandemic, the standard period of study will be extended again. Following a decision by the Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus (Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism), the summer…

  • More time for … – Extension of studies makes it possible

    More time for … – Extension of studies makes it possible

    Study doubts, internship, pregnancy, illness or heavy workload in a part-time job: too little time for full-time studies? Several possibilities allow you to delay or pause your studies.

  • Our cultural tip for February 2022

    Our cultural tip for February 2022

    „We Must Be Mistaken“ is a performative film project. Two different life worlds and their reaction to filter bubbles in online spheres are shown. Finally, a new cultural tip! For this February, we recommend "We Must Be Mistaken", a performative film project about echo chambers in online spheres. While some long for a world without inequalities,…

  • Heating cost subsidy for BAföG recipients is planned

    Heating cost subsidy for BAföG recipients is planned

    BAföG recipients are to be supported with a one-off heating cost subsidy. The Federal Government is planning a one-off heating cost subsidy of 115 euros for students who (have) received BAföG. The most important facts: The subsidy is to be 115 euros. It can only be applied for and paid out once. Students who have…

  • Social Counselling for International Students at the  HGB

    Social Counselling for International Students at the HGB

    A new Counselling Service starts on 16 February. The cooperation with the Academy for Transcultural Exchange will thus be expanded. A special counselling service for international students at the Leipzig Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) will be offered by the social counselling of Studentenwerk Leipzig from 16 February 2022. The cooperation for participants of the…

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