Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 9-Euro-Ticket reduces the Semester ticket fee

    9-Euro-Ticket reduces the Semester ticket fee

    Students of the summer semester 2022 will receive a retroactive reduction of the semester ticket fee due to the implementation of the 9-Euro-Ticket. Due to the implementation of the 9-Euro-Ticket in Germany, which was enacted by the Bundestag and Bundesrat, the Semesterticket will be treated as equivalent to the 9-Euro-Ticket and will be valid nationwide…

  • Photo Exhibition “Impressionen”

    Photo Exhibition “Impressionen”

    Photo exhibition by student Laura Sophie Päßler in May and June at the Studentenwerk Leipzig. Laura Sophie Päßler, a student at Universität Leipzig, loves taking pictures with her camera since she was 10 years old. The photographs she has chosen for her exhibition "Impressionen" are mainly landscape pictures that try to capture a special atmosphere. …

  • Our cultural tip for June 2022

    Our cultural tip for June 2022

    „ANY MINUTE NOW“ – This documentary accompanies a young band from Leipzig during their work on a new album.

  • “Lügentour”: Student families were again on a Quest for the Truth

    “Lügentour”: Student families were again on a Quest for the Truth

    On the somewhat different city tour for student families, the aim was to distinguish truths from lies. Truth or tremendous lies? The children of our student families were able to figure this out during the Lügentour in May. The slightly different city tour that was organised by our Social Counselling was a great success. Whether guide, adult…

  • Semesterticket applies as 9-Euro-Ticket

    Semesterticket applies as 9-Euro-Ticket

    Students do not have to buy a 9-Euro ticket. The semester ticket is considered an equivalent ticket. In the months of June, July and August, the student ID card or semester ticket is equated with the 9-Euro-Ticket and is valid nationwide for the entire period as a ticket on all means of public transport (RB, RE,…

  • Information event for (prospective) students from Ukraine

    Information event for (prospective) students from Ukraine

    8 June 2022: Online information event for refugee and international students and prospective students from Ukraine In a new online information event in English, we want to inform international and refugee students and prospective students from Ukraine about numerous topics related to the questions:  What do I have to do before I can study? Where…

  • BAföG wake-up call: Apply for further funding now!

    BAföG wake-up call: Apply for further funding now!

    Reminder to submit your applications – for a seamless funding process To all BAföG recipients: Here is a reminder to submit the application for continued funding in order to ensure uninterrupted funding. If the grant period ends in September, please submit your application for continued support in June if possible. The application must be received…

  • Information on the 9-Euro-Ticket

    Information on the 9-Euro-Ticket

    The 9-Euro-Ticket will be introduced soon. It is currently still being clarified what this means for students with a semester ticket. On 19 May, the Bundestag passed the resolution on the 9-Euro-Ticket, which was confirmed by the Bundesrat on 20 May. Implementation is the responsibility of the Länder. The 9-Euro-Ticket should also apply to students…

  • Information day for refugees attracted great interest

    Information day for refugees attracted great interest

    Full house at the information day – refugees and international prospective students got important information about access to studies in Leipzig and the surrounding area. On 13 May 2022, almost 450 prospective students from all over the world attended the 5th information day for refugees and international students, which was organised in cooperation between Studentenwerk…

  • 18 May: Veggie Day in the Mensa Academica

    18 May: Veggie Day in the Mensa Academica

    On Veggie Day the Mensa Academica will be serving delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes. On Veggie Day on 18 May, the Mensa Academica will be serving exclusively vegetarian and vegan dishes. The menu includes cauliflower in batter with chilli-sesame-tomato pesto, lemon gnocchis with grilled vegetables, and an excellent vegan carbonara with tofu. All dishes can…

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