Customer Satisfaction Survey – We Have The Results!

More than 6,500 people rated our student restaurants and cafeterias in an online survey. The results are positive!

How do you like it? We wanted to find out and conducted the second online survey on customer satisfaction at our student restaurants and cafeterias in December 2015. Students and employees of all universities and academies in Leipzig could rate the services at student restaurants and cafeterias run by Studentenwerk Leipzig. The results were again satisfactory for Studentenwerk: On the one hand, 6,650 people participated, which is quite a large number. On the other hand, the positive guest rating from 2012 improved once again. The total result of 2.37 (on a scale between 1 and 5) exceeded the one from three years ago, when the total rating was 2.47. The measures taken by Studentenwerk following the 2012 survey obviously stood the test. This time again, Studentenwerk will react to the customers’ requests, if possible, to further increase customer satisfaction. You will find information on the planned measures on our website. Studentenwerk thanks all participants for their contribution. For detailed information, please refer to the report (German).



