Category: Wohnen

  • 10 DM Rent for a Bed in a Student Hall of Residence

    10 DM Rent for a Bed in a Student Hall of Residence

    Farewell to lignite-fired heating, low rents and shared rooms: after the fall of the Berlin Wall, things changed, including for Leipzig’s students living in a hall of residence. Frank Kießling recalls the period of renovations that began in 1991.

  • Secure Your Place in a Shared Flat in our Student Halls of Residence Now

    Secure Your Place in a Shared Flat in our Student Halls of Residence Now

    You have been admitted to university and are still looking for a place to stay? Then go ahead, apply online for a room in Leipzig’s student halls of residence! Why choose a student hall of residence? Living in a student community stable rents including electricity, water, heat, internet and garbage collection furnished rooms and equipped kitchens…

  • New Vaccination Appointments Without Registration for the Students of Leipzig

    New Vaccination Appointments Without Registration for the Students of Leipzig

    Vaccinations for students of Leipzig universities on 25 July in the Cafeteria am Elsterbecken or with mobile vaccination teams of the city of Leipzig coming to the different neighborhoods.

  • Vaccinations for Returning to in-classroom Teaching

    Vaccinations for Returning to in-classroom Teaching

    The more students geting vaccinated against Covid-19, the closer the return to the campuses gets. We would therefore like to call on all students to make use of the vaccination offers now available. The Studentenwerk Leipzig, and the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW), are calling on all students to make use of the vaccination offers provided by…

  • Your Vote Counts: The Budestag Election is held on 26 September 2021

    Your Vote Counts: The Budestag Election is held on 26 September 2021

    Bundestag elections on September 26: Those who are not in Leipzig during the summer break can request postal voting documents in advance. The upcoming Bundestagswahl (federal election) will take place on 26 September 2021. The Studentenwerk Leipzig wants to remind all students to keep the election date in mind. The election will take place during…

  • Student Housing Online Q&A

    Student Housing Online Q&A

    The new semester is approaching and Leipzigs future students are searching for accommodation. In this online consultation hour, we will answer your questions about student housing. How do I apply for a place in a student hall of residence? What services are included in the rent? A shared apartment or a single apartment? Prospective and…

  • 10 years ago: New hall of residence for Sorbian students opened its doors

    10 years ago: New hall of residence for Sorbian students opened its doors

    Sorbian culture is an integral part of Leipzig as a study location. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the opening of the new student hall of residence – especially for Sorbian students – in Arno-Nitzsche-Straße. In May, the traditional maypole throwing takes place in Sorbian Lusatia – a custom that Sorbian students have continued…

  • 90 years ago: The first student hall of residence in Leipzig was opened

    90 years ago: The first student hall of residence in Leipzig was opened

    The first new student hall of residence in Leipzig built specially for students would have turned 90 these days. The Erich Bethe House, named after the former chancellor of Leipzig University, was inaugurated on 10 May 1931 and existed until 1943. On 10 May 1931, the Erich Bethe House was officially opened in Bozener Weg…

  • 6 Advantages of Living in a Student Hall of Residence

    6 Advantages of Living in a Student Hall of Residence

    Living in a community of students: We offer affordable housing close to the university in 16 student halls of residence in Leipzig. There is a variety of shared or single flats in different sizes and locations and distinct levels of living comfort.

  • Limited availability Student Housing

    Limited availability Student Housing

    For security reasons, the Student Housing Department cannot currently be reached by email. Online applications, requests are processed. In urgent cases, please contact your contact person, janitor or our hotline. For security reasons, the Student Housing Department cannot currently be reached by email. Online applications for student residence hall space are accepted at any time,…