Category: Über uns

  • 10 Years of Student Restaurant Mensa am Park: Anniversary Event Week

    10 Years of Student Restaurant Mensa am Park: Anniversary Event Week

    Mensa am Park celebrates their 10 year anniversary. From 24 to 28 June they offer special dishes to celebrate their anniversary. Student restaurant Mensa am Park turns 10! On this occasion, Studentenwerk Leipzig arranges an event week: From 24 to 28 June, guests will get spoiled with special anniversary meals, daily surprises as thank-you gifts*,…

  • Higher Education Information Day at BIZ

    Higher Education Information Day at BIZ

    On 22 June, the Leipzig Career Information Center (Berufsinformationszentrum – BIZ), holds the first information day on studying in Saxony. On 22 June 2019, the 1st Leipzig Higher Education Information Day at BIZ takes place. Saxon universities, academies and vocational academies present their study programs. Studentenwerk Leipzig will be on site with an info booth…

  • Saxon Parliament Elections on 1 Sep: What are the parties’ attitudes towards us?

    Saxon Parliament Elections on 1 Sep: What are the parties’ attitudes towards us?

    The Saxon Studentenwerk organizations see the need for further political action regarding the students’ social infrastructure. We, the Saxon Studentenwerk organizations, want to shape the social infrastructure and conditions for students adequately according to our statutory mission. This is only possible if Saxon state politics provide sufficient financial means for e.g. the refurbishment of student…

  • Bridging Day 31 May: We’re closed!

    Bridging Day 31 May: We’re closed!

    A public holiday and and an extra day off before the weekend (a bridging day): please note the changed opening and office hours. The 30th of May is a public holiday, meaning all Studentenwerk facilities are closed including the Department for Grants and ALL student restaurants and cafeterias. This applies not only for the 30th but…

  • Student Restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” Reopened

    Student Restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” Reopened

    On 20 May 2019, Studentenwerk Leipzig’s student restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” opened its doors in attendance of Saxon Federal Minister for Science and Arts Dr. Eva-Maria Stange. Right on time for lunch, the Federal Minister and Studentenwerk Leipzig opened the doors to the new student restaurant “Mensa am Medizincampus” for about 1,000 customers. The first…

  • 4 May: Studentenwerk Leipzig at University Information Day of Leipzig University

    4 May: Studentenwerk Leipzig at University Information Day of Leipzig University

    Studentenwerk Leipzig will be at the University Information Day of Leipzig University on 4 May. Learn more about student housing, BAföG and visit our student halls of residence. If you consider studying at Leipzig University, you should attend University Open Day of Leipzig University on 4 May 2019. At the event you do not only receive…

  • Studentenwerk Tutors Info Events in April

    Studentenwerk Tutors Info Events in April

    All international students are welcome to network at the Tandem get-together and/or inform themselves about the(broadcast receiving) licence fee at the info event. In April, exciting and informative events will take place as part of the information event series for international students. Tandem get-together for foreign language enthusiasts: Get to know new languages and their speakers All…

  • Full Mobility for Leipzig’s Students Secured

    Full Mobility for Leipzig’s Students Secured

    Studentenwerk Leipzig and public transport companies renew MDV semester ticket contract L to R.: Franz Hempel, President of the Semester Ticket Comittee at Studentenwerk Leipzig and speaker for sustainable mobility at the student council of Leipzig University; Steffen Lehmann, Managing Director Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund, Dr. Andrea Diekhof, Managing Director Studentenwerk Leipzig, Dr. Wolfgang Weinhold, DB Regio Head of the South East Regional Management;…

  • Instagram Contest: Win 1 of 3 Student Restaurant Vouchers!

    Instagram Contest: Win 1 of 3 Student Restaurant Vouchers!

    What is on Leipzig’s students‘ plates? We would like to see what is on the plates of Leipzig’s students, employees and guests. What is your favorite dish? Where do you drink your coffee? What does your breakfast in the cafeteria look like? Therefore, today a contest starts on our Instagram. All participants have the chance…

  • “Social conditions are crucial for equal opportunities and academic success”

    “Social conditions are crucial for equal opportunities and academic success”

    The Saxon Minister of Edu. and Research and the Studentenwerk organisations present the survey on economic and social conditions of students in Saxony. Dr. Eva-Maria Stange “Social conditions are crucial for equal opportunities and academic succcess” Since 1982, a survey on the economic and social situation of students in Germany has been conducted by the…