Category: Über uns

  • New Administrative Board at the Studentenwerk Leipzig

    New Administrative Board at the Studentenwerk Leipzig

    In January, we welcomed five new student board members. On 19 January 2022, the new administrative board of the Studentenwerk Leipzig held its constituent meeting. As part of the rotation, five new student representatives were welcomed to the Administrative Board. The meeting also included the election of the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Administrative…

  • Opening hours over the Turn of the Year 2021/22

    Opening hours over the Turn of the Year 2021/22

    Over Christmas and the turn of the year, we have changed opening hours in our Mensas and Cafeterias as well as office hours at the Studentenwerk Leipzig. The year is drawing to a close. Over the holidays and the turn of the year, many of our facilities and services are closed or only available on…

  • Competition: Win a new bike!

    Competition: Win a new bike!

    We are giving away a bike worth 1.000 euros and other great bike prizes!

  • Coronavirus vaccinations offered in Leipzig

    Coronavirus vaccinations offered in Leipzig

    For everyone: Various options to get the Covid-19 vaccination in Leipzig Since the end of September, the vaccination centers have been closed. However, for all those who would like to be vaccinated against Covid-19, there are still various options to get the vaccination. Some of those can be attended without registration.  In addition to the…

  • „If you wanted to, you could create. All doors were open.”

    „If you wanted to, you could create. All doors were open.”

    Dragged by the enthusiasm of the german reunification, Kai Hörig took part in the Administrative Board of the Studentenwerk during his studies in the 90s. In this Interview he speaks about the development of the Studentenwerk at that time.

  • Touring exhibition: 100 years of Studentenwerk Leipzig

    Touring exhibition: 100 years of Studentenwerk Leipzig

    Now that our student restaurants have been reopened since the beginning of the semester, our guests can take a look at the history of Studentenwerk. A traveling exhibition on the 100 years of history of the Studentenwerk Leipzig is currently touring the dining halls. Vividly and richly illustrated large-format information panels tell the story of…

  • Video competition: Studentenwerk of the future

    Video competition: Studentenwerk of the future

    30 years ago, the Studentenwerke in eastern Germany were founded. In the video competition, students are invited to visualize their idea of Studentenwerk of the future.

  • Mensa classics for the anniversary: promotion week at all Mensas

    Mensa classics for the anniversary: promotion week at all Mensas

    This year, Studentenwerk Leipzig is celebrating its 100th anniversary. At the beginning of the winter semester, from October 18 to 22, an anniversary week will be held in all Mensas. To mark the anniversary week, each facility will offer a special dish, a Mensa classic, every day from 18 October to 22. "Of course, we didn't…

  • Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

    Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

    The new semester is about to begin: We welcome all Leipzig students – especially freshmen and new international students! We are here for you in spite of the coronavirus! Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all new students and returning students to the winter semester 2021/22! Our website provides you with all important information about studying in Leipzig…

  • Vaccination for more attendance during the winter semester

    Vaccination for more attendance during the winter semester

    Take the last chance to get the vaccination at the vaccination center, register for the vaccination with your family doctor from October on, or attend special vaccination events. Getting vaccinated is essential for the chance of a winter semester with more on-site attendance. Those who have not yet been vaccinated can still take offhand advantage…