Category: Über uns

  • Results of the 21st social survey

    Results of the 21st social survey

    The results of the social survey conducted in 2016 are available and allow a better understanding of the lives of students in Germany. The results of the 2016 representative online survey of Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW) on the economic and social situation of students are available, in which 60,000 students participated:  Finances, jobbing, BAföG, and housing…

  • SZZ: Closed on Wednesdays until the end of September

    SZZ: Closed on Wednesdays until the end of September

    Changed opening hours at Student Service Center (SSZ) The Student Service Center remains closed on Wednesdays between 31 May and 27 September, just like the previous years. There will be no BAföG service and social counseling as well as no general counseling by Studentenwerk Leipzig available at SSZ during that period. SSZ has the usual opening…

  • Opening hours around Ascension Day

    Opening hours around Ascension Day

    Public holiday and the day after – please notice the changed opening and office hours. On 25 May is Ascension Day. Therefore our mensas and cafeterias will be closed on 25 and 26 May, the Mensa am Park also on 27 May. Also on 26 May, there are no office hours and the Studenten Service Zentrum remains closed. Appointments already made and the 'Schreibwerkstatt'…

  • Invitation to family breakfast for students with children

    Invitation to family breakfast for students with children

    Family breakfast: Mensa am Park is reserved again for students and their children in the morning of May 20. Student parents and single student parents from all universities and academies in Leipzig along with their children are invited again to attend the 12th family breakfast. Studentenwerk offers a healthy breakfast buffet for young and old,…

  • May 13: Studentenwerk at university information day of Leipzig University

    May 13: Studentenwerk at university information day of Leipzig University

    Studentenwerk will be represented again at the university information day of Leipzig University on May 13. Information concerning student housing, BAföG, and tours through student halls of residence will be provided. We will answer all your questions on the subjects of student housing, BAföG, and other services by Studentenwerk at our information booth. To gain…

  • Welcome to summer semester 2017!

    Welcome to summer semester 2017!

    Starting to study or start the next semester? Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all students to the beginning of the summer semester 2017! You are just starting to study or start the next semester? Studentenwerk offers many advice and service features for you in all issues concerning your studies! You can find all our services and the…

  • Behind the scenes: Euro Schools visiting

    Behind the scenes: Euro Schools visiting

    Foreign guests from Euro Schools Leipzig visit Mensa am Elsterbecken

  • Office hours during the turn of the year

    Office hours during the turn of the year

    Please note the changed office hours during Christmas and the turn of the year at Studentenwerk Leipzig.

  • Vote for the daycare center “Villa Unifratz” in the Kita Initiative 2016

    Vote for the daycare center “Villa Unifratz” in the Kita Initiative 2016

    Vote for the daycare center „Villa Unifratz“ until July 4! The childcare facility "Villa Unifratz" run by Studentenwerk Leipzig currently takes part in the campaign "DIY together to make children happy" organized by toom DIY stores. The idea is: An outdoor kitchen for children and a barefoot path are to be built. Thus, the villa…

  • Catering of Refugees by Studentenwerk Ended

    Catering of Refugees by Studentenwerk Ended

    We helped refugees at the Ernst-Grube-Halle between August 2015 and February 2016 and provided for their meals. As the use of the Ernst-Grube-Halle on the sports campus of Leipzig University as initial reception facility was suspended on February 4, 2016, the catering service provided by Studentenwerk Leipzig for refugees and asylum seekers, who were accommodated…