Category: Mensen & Cafeterien

  • Mensa classics for the anniversary: promotion week at all Mensas

    Mensa classics for the anniversary: promotion week at all Mensas

    This year, Studentenwerk Leipzig is celebrating its 100th anniversary. At the beginning of the winter semester, from October 18 to 22, an anniversary week will be held in all Mensas. To mark the anniversary week, each facility will offer a special dish, a Mensa classic, every day from 18 October to 22. "Of course, we didn't…

  • Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

    Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

    The new semester is about to begin: We welcome all Leipzig students – especially freshmen and new international students! We are here for you in spite of the coronavirus! Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all new students and returning students to the winter semester 2021/22! Our website provides you with all important information about studying in Leipzig…

  • All student restaurants and cafeterias open for the start of the semester

    All student restaurants and cafeterias open for the start of the semester

    All student restaurants and cafeterias will reopen at the start of the semester, though operating under limited conditions and taking infection control precautions. Takeaway services will also remain open. At the start of the semester on October 4, all our Mensas and Cafeterias will reopen for the consumption of food and beverages on site, subject…

  • Temporary tickets for international students/Mensa & MDV

    Temporary tickets for international students/Mensa & MDV

    International students can get a temporary ticket for student restaurants and a temporary semester ticket for public transportation at the start of the 2021/22 winter semester. International students at the University of Leipzig who do not yet have a UniCard at the start of the semester can get a temporary ticket for student restaurants from…

  • Mensa am Park switches to sustainable reusable tableware

    Mensa am Park switches to sustainable reusable tableware

    Reusable replaces disposable: From 20 September 2021, food and drinks at the Mensa & Cafeteria am Park will only be available in reusable dishes.

  • Climate-friendly dishes for the global climate strike

    Climate-friendly dishes for the global climate strike

    On 24 September is World Climate Strike Day. Our student restaurants are taking part by putting the KlimaTeller (climate dish) on their menus. We participate in the global climate strike on 24 September 2021 by offering climate-friendly dishes and for the first time the so-called KlimaTeller! A dish can only be called KlimaTeller if it causes at least…

  • Vaccinations for Returning to in-classroom Teaching

    Vaccinations for Returning to in-classroom Teaching

    The more students geting vaccinated against Covid-19, the closer the return to the campuses gets. We would therefore like to call on all students to make use of the vaccination offers now available. The Studentenwerk Leipzig, and the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW), are calling on all students to make use of the vaccination offers provided by…

  • Your Vote Counts: The Budestag Election is held on 26 September 2021

    Your Vote Counts: The Budestag Election is held on 26 September 2021

    Bundestag elections on September 26: Those who are not in Leipzig during the summer break can request postal voting documents in advance. The upcoming Bundestagswahl (federal election) will take place on 26 September 2021. The Studentenwerk Leipzig wants to remind all students to keep the election date in mind. The election will take place during…

  • Mensa am Park reopening on 30 June

    Mensa am Park reopening on 30 June

    Our Mensa am Park starts to operate regularly again. Please access via the main entrance (lecture hall building). The dining hall as well as the outdoor seating area are open. On Wednesday, 30 June 2021, our Mensa am Park will finally also reopen its doors on a regular basis. This is what you need to…

  • The Dining Halls in most of our Mensas & Cafeterias are Opening

    The Dining Halls in most of our Mensas & Cafeterias are Opening

    As of Monday, 21 June 2021, it is once again possible to eat inside our Mensas and Cafeterias. The infection protection measures and hygiene rules must be observed at all times. In recognition of the improved pandemic situation, and the associated easing of restrictions, the majority of our Mensas and Cafeterias will be opening their…