Category: Mensen & Cafeterien

  • Eat healthy, fair-trade, and regional products

    Eat healthy, fair-trade, and regional products

    Lipz spritzer, smoothies, regional and fair-trade products: tasting and information at the green Mensa Peterssteinweg from October 12. Our Student Restaurant & Cafeteria Peterssteinweg transforms itself into a green student restaurant: Since the winter semester 2015/16, it stands wholeheartedly under the banner of sustainability – from regional food to biodegradable cleaning agents. Studentenwerk now start…

  • Make use of the Mensa card service on location

    Make use of the Mensa card service on location

    Issue, substitution, extension, transfer of student restaurant cards At the start of the semester, we offer the student restaurant card service: The cards are issued, substituted, extended or transferred on location. Check out the dates in the overview.

  • Construction works: Mensa and Cafeteria an den Tierkliniken temporarily closed

    Construction works: Mensa and Cafeteria an den Tierkliniken temporarily closed

    Due to necessary floor renovation works, the Mensa an den Tierkliniken remains closed between September 26 and October 3. Before the new semester really starts, we need to carry out the necessary renovation of the floors in the Mensa an den Tierkliniken. Therefore, the restaurant remains closed from September 26 up to and including October…

  • 22. September: Veggie Day at Mensa am Park

    22. September: Veggie Day at Mensa am Park

    The next Veggie Day at Mensa am Park is on September 22! On September 22, there will be the next Veggie Day at the Mensa am Park! This Veggie Thursday, restaurant manager René Sonne and his team will cook grilled cheese steak, stuffed zucchini, baked pumpkin in slices and many more goodies without meat. Read the menu…

  • 25. August: Veggie- Day at Mensa Academica

    25. August: Veggie- Day at Mensa Academica

    The next Veggie Day at Mensa Academica is on August 25! On August 25, there will be another Veggie Day at the Mensa Academica! This Veggie Thursday, restaurant manager Martina Becker and her team will cook some vegeterian and vegan meals. Read the menu to find out about all dishes. The Veggie Day was introduced…

  • Cafeteria Beethovenstraße closed for reconstruction

    Cafeteria Beethovenstraße closed for reconstruction

    Studentenwerk Leipzig uses the opportunity of the semester break to reconstruct the Cafeteria Beethovenstraße. As of July 18, 2016, the Cafeteria Beethovenstraße remains closed for reconstruction measures. The works will take presumably until the beginning of the winter semester 2016/17. During this time, there will be no catering provided at the GWZ. Please use the…

  • Anniversary Week at all canteens

    Anniversary Week at all canteens

    Studentenwerk Leipzig is turning 25! In order to celebrate this, there will be anniversary food as well as a cake and ice cream sale. For the 25th anniversary of Studentenwerk Leipzig there will be delicious anniversary meals at all our canteens from July 4 to July 8. For instance, the canteen Mensa am Elsterbecken is offering…

  • Mensa am Elsterbecken: Student Restaurant and Cafeteria Work in Parallel Again

    Mensa am Elsterbecken: Student Restaurant and Cafeteria Work in Parallel Again

    In summer semester 2016, the Mensa am Elsterbecken resumed the concurrent operation of student restaurant and cafeteria. The cafeteria opening hours were extended too: During the lecture period of Leipzig University, the cafeteria is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The opening hours were extended in response to customer requests expressed in the current…

  • Customer Satisfaction Survey – We Have The Results!

    More than 6,500 people rated our student restaurants and cafeterias in an online survey. The results are positive! How do you like it? We wanted to find out and conducted the second online survey on customer satisfaction at our student restaurants and cafeterias in December 2015. Students and employees of all universities and academies in…

  • 23. June: Veggie Day at Mensa am Park

    23. June: Veggie Day at Mensa am Park

    The next Veggie Day at Mensa am Park is on June 23! On June 23, there will be another Veggie Day at the Mensa am Park! This Veggie Thursday, restaurant manager René Sonne and his team will cook vegan Sloppy Joe burgers, Tuscan potato vegetable casserole, Asian spring rolls, médaillons of kohlrabi with herbs and…