Category: Internationales

  • German Language Study Preparation Courses for Refugees

    German Language Study Preparation Courses for Refugees

    Refugees interested in studying at the University of Leipzig can attend German language courses for free in preparation for studying. The closing date for applications has been moved to January 31! Starting in April 2019, the University of Leipzig’s International Centre offers German language courses for refugees who want to start studying at the University.…

  • DAAD awards Student Hall Tutor

    DAAD awards Student Hall Tutor

    Our former student hall spokesperson and current tutor for internatial students, Pavel Raus, was awarded the DAAD prize! Pavel Raus was awarded the prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Born in Russia, he is currently studying European Studies in the Master's programme at Leipzig University. He was awarded not only for his outstanding…

  • Invitation to the 6th International Café

    Invitation to the 6th International Café

    On Friday, 16 November 2018, from 3.30 to 5.30 p.m., international students have the opportunity to get to know each other and receive useful information. In a comfortable atmosphere and provided with coffee and cake, international students receive information about the services of Studentenwerk Leipzig, Leipzig’s universities and academies as well as interesting associations. Exchanging with…

  • Social Counselling for Refugee Students of HGB

    Social Counselling for Refugee Students of HGB

    Studentenwerk Leipzig supports the study program ATA for refugee artists and designers at HGB. The Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig/Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (HGB) and Studentenwerk Leipzig have launched a joint project to support participants of the Academy of Transcultural Exchange (ATA) in social matters. Since 2016, the study program gives art and design…

  • Welcome to Winter Semester 2018/19!

    Welcome to Winter Semester 2018/19!

    The new semester has begun – here’s information, advice and support. Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all students to the start of winter semester 2018/19! We, Studentenwerk Leipzig, offer many services around studying and living in Leipzig. You can find information on all of our departments and their respective contacts on our website. Student Housing Student Restaurants (Mensa) and…

  • Provisional Cards for International Students / Student Restaurants + MDV

    Provisional Cards for International Students / Student Restaurants + MDV

    International students can pick up provisional cards for our student restaurants and public transport. International students enrolled at the University of Leipzig who do not own a UniCard at the beginning of the semester can pick up a provisional card for our student restaurants (and cafeterias) and a provisional card for public transport at Student Service Center…

  • University of Leipzig Develops App: Support for Syrian Refugees

    University of Leipzig Develops App: Support for Syrian Refugees

    What kind of support do people who have fled Syria need? // Wanted are refugees who would like to speak about their experiences. As part of a research project, University of Leipzig’s Faculty of Medicine is going to codevelop an app that will help traumatized people who have fled Syria. War and escape can have…

  • Financial Pressure on International Students Increases

    Financial Pressure on International Students Increases

    A survey conducted on international students in 2016 reveals increasing burdens from student jobs and rising rental costs. The 2016 results of surveying foreign students in the framework of the 21st Social Survey conducted by Deutsches Studentenwerk have now been published. The report made it clear that international students face increasing challenges in order to…

  • New Workshop for International Students

    New Workshop for International Students

    Tools for a successful semester: Psychosocial Counselling offers a new workshop for international students. Studying abroad offers many opportunities and exciting experiences, but also many challenges – however, there are also well-known challenges like procrastination. Our Psychosocial Counselling offers a workshop in English on that topic: "I'll start next week!" – or how to beat endless postponing REGISTRATION:…

  • Beyond Culinary Borders: Students Cooking For Students

    Beyond Culinary Borders: Students Cooking For Students

    International cooking: In student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg, students prepare international meals together with our mensa chefs. International students will cook their favorite recipes from Brasil, China, Yemen, the USA, Pakistan and Zimbabwe together with our mensa chefs in one of our student restaurants. Students of all of Leipzig’s universities and academies are invited to try…