Category: Internationales

  • Tableware wanted!

    Tableware wanted!

    Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Tutors are calling for tableware donations for international students. More often than not, international students stay for only for one or two semesters in Leipzig—buying a whole new set of tableware isn't reasonable and often too costly. In order to support internationals, Studentenwerk Leipzig's tutors opened the Tableware Exchange a couple of years ago. Tableware that…

  • Your Vote Counts: 2019 Saxony State Election on 1 September

    Your Vote Counts: 2019 Saxony State Election on 1 September

    State elections on 1 September: Those of you who are not in Leipzig during the lecture-free period can request postal voting documents in advance. On 1 September, the 2019 Saxon state election takes place. In order to remind all students of their right to vote, all Saxon Studentenwerk organisations, Saxon universities and academies as well…

  • Bridging Day 31 May: We’re closed!

    Bridging Day 31 May: We’re closed!

    A public holiday and and an extra day off before the weekend (a bridging day): please note the changed opening and office hours. The 30th of May is a public holiday, meaning all Studentenwerk facilities are closed including the Department for Grants and ALL student restaurants and cafeterias. This applies not only for the 30th but…

  • Tandem event: It was délicieux!

    Tandem event: It was délicieux!

    Strasbourg chefs prepared meals from their region in student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken In French refectories you’ll always enjoy a complete menu including a starter, a main course and a dessert. Leipzig students could try this lunch variation on 22 and 23 May when we hosted colleagues from our French partner Studentenwerk organization Crous de Strasbourg in…

  • Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts Strasbourg Chefs

    Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts Strasbourg Chefs

    The 25th anniversary of the Crous Strasbourg and Studentenwerk Leipzig partnership is celebrated with a culinary exchange On 22 and 23 May our French colleagues take over student restaurant Mensa am Elsterbecken's kitchen. Could there be a better event to celebrate the partnership between Crous Strasbourg and Studentenwerk Leipzig? With the exchange of chefs, Crous Strasbourg and…

  • Franco-German Theatre Workshop: Apply now!

    Franco-German Theatre Workshop: Apply now!

    A few places are available for the theatre workshop in Strasbourg from 3 to 7 June Our partner Studentenwerk organisation in France, Crous Strasbourg, organizes on the occasion of the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup in France a Franco-German theatre workshop in Strasbourg themed "Dare to shine". The workshop takes place in Strasbourg from 3 to 7…

  • Studentenwerk Tutors Info Events in April

    Studentenwerk Tutors Info Events in April

    All international students are welcome to network at the Tandem get-together and/or inform themselves about the(broadcast receiving) licence fee at the info event. In April, exciting and informative events will take place as part of the information event series for international students. Tandem get-together for foreign language enthusiasts: Get to know new languages and their speakers All…

  • Invitation to the 7th International Café

    Invitation to the 7th International Café

    On Friday, 12 April, international students have the opportunity to receive useful Information and to get to know each other at the International Café. The next International Café takes place on Friday, 12 April 2019, 3.30 – 5.30 p.m. at student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg. At the event you will receive information about Studentenwerk Leipzig, Leipzig’s universities/academies…

  • Provisional Cards for International Students / Student Restaurants + MDV

    Provisional Cards for International Students / Student Restaurants + MDV

    International students can pick up provisional cards for our student restaurants and public transport. International students enrolled at the University of Leipzig who do not own a UniCard at the beginning of the semester can pick up a provisional card for our student restaurants (and cafeterias) and a provisional card for public transport at Student Service Center…

  • Studying in Leipzig?! Info Event for Refugees

    Studying in Leipzig?! Info Event for Refugees

    For the second time, Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts an info event for refugees who would like to study in Leipzig or the surrounding area. On 13 March 2019, Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts in collaboration with universities and academies in Leipzig and the surrounding area an info event for refugees interested in studying. From 12 noon until 6.00…