Category: Internationales

  • Turn of the year 2022/23: These are our opening and office hours

    Turn of the year 2022/23: These are our opening and office hours

    Over Christmas and the turn of the year, we have changed opening hours in our Mensas and Cafeterias as well as office hours at the Studentenwerk Leipzig. Mensas & Cafeterias The opening hours can be found on the website of the respective institution. Mensacardservice in the SSZ: last office hours 20.12.2022 // first office hours 05.01.2023…

  • Welcome to winter semester 2022/23!

    Welcome to winter semester 2022/23!

    The new semester is about to begin: We are pleased to welcome all Leipzig students – especially first-semester students and new international students! The Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all new students and returning students for the winter semester 2022/23! For most of our counselling services, students can choose between face-to-face appointments with prior booking and video…

  • New events of our tutors

    New events of our tutors

    In the winter semester 22/23, the tutors of the Leipzig Studentenwerk will once again offer numerous events to get to know other students as well as Leipzig and the surrounding area. 12 October 2022 Speed friendship Without pre-registration; 5-minute rounds to get to know each other with moderation by the tutors; non-alcoholic drinks are provided…

  • Tutors  for International students wanted

    Tutors for International students wanted

    Establish international contacts, organise events, help international students. Join in! The team of tutors is looking for new members! Our Student Housing department is looking for students who would like to volunteer and support our team of tutors. Advantages & Tasks Networking with international students and students in the hall of residence Offering help to…

  • The International Café in July 2022

    The International Café in July 2022

    International students learned and exchanged information in a pleasant atmosphere and while enjoying grilled food and beverages After a forced break of two years, we were finally able to invite you to the International Café again on Friday, 1 July 2022! Numerous international students came to find out about the wide range of services offered…

  • Invitation to the International Café – Outdoor Edition

    Invitation to the International Café – Outdoor Edition

    Leipzig’s international students are invited to catch up on everything they need to know at the International Café on 01 July. International students from all Leipzig universities are once again cordially invited to the International Café on Friday, 01 July 2022. After a two-year Corona break, the International Café will be held as an outdoor…

  • 9-Euro-Ticket reduces the Semester ticket fee

    9-Euro-Ticket reduces the Semester ticket fee

    Students of the summer semester 2022 will receive a retroactive reduction of the semester ticket fee due to the implementation of the 9-Euro-Ticket. Due to the implementation of the 9-Euro-Ticket in Germany, which was enacted by the Bundestag and Bundesrat, the Semesterticket will be treated as equivalent to the 9-Euro-Ticket and will be valid nationwide…

  • Semesterticket applies as 9-Euro-Ticket

    Semesterticket applies as 9-Euro-Ticket

    Students do not have to buy a 9-Euro ticket. The semester ticket is considered an equivalent ticket. In the months of June, July and August, the student ID card or semester ticket is equated with the 9-Euro-Ticket and is valid nationwide for the entire period as a ticket on all means of public transport (RB, RE,…

  • Information event for (prospective) students from Ukraine

    Information event for (prospective) students from Ukraine

    8 June 2022: Online information event for refugee and international students and prospective students from Ukraine In a new online information event in English, we want to inform international and refugee students and prospective students from Ukraine about numerous topics related to the questions:  What do I have to do before I can study? Where…

  • Information day for refugees attracted great interest

    Information day for refugees attracted great interest

    Full house at the information day – refugees and international prospective students got important information about access to studies in Leipzig and the surrounding area. On 13 May 2022, almost 450 prospective students from all over the world attended the 5th information day for refugees and international students, which was organised in cooperation between Studentenwerk…