Category: Beratung & Soziales

  • New Online Offers of our Social Counselling Service

    New Online Offers of our Social Counselling Service

    The Social Counselling Service offers new online events from June. The new offers focus on the topics of studying during pregnancy or with children, studying with disabilities or chronic illnesses, financing of studies and studying in Germany. The Social Counselling Service provides advice on numerous topics that may become relevant during your studies. What do…

  • Workshops by our Psychosocial Counselling Service – New Dates for June

    Workshops by our Psychosocial Counselling Service – New Dates for June

    Working with more focus, finding inner peace, preparing for exams under less stress … Our workshops support you in getting through your daily digital study routines. Registration is now open for the new dates in June 2021! The third semester restricted by the pandemic is in full swing. One might think that everyone would have…

  • Digital International Info Days: Info Event for Refugee and International Students and Students to-be

    Digital International Info Days: Info Event for Refugee and International Students and Students to-be

    This year, the event, first launched by the HTWK and the Studentenwerk Leipzig, takes place on 5 & 6 May 2021 and provides information on universities in and around Leipzig, application procedures, the start of studies and the first semesters online. Refugee and international first-semester students and prospective students face many unanswered questions and challenges.…

  • Stopping the Ride on the Emotional Rollercoaster – Workshop on Dealing with Mood Swings

    Stopping the Ride on the Emotional Rollercoaster – Workshop on Dealing with Mood Swings

    The online workshop to support mental health is aimed at students who suffer from mood swings, overwork, depressive symptoms or similar mental stress and is also useful for prevention.

  • Speed Dating for Learning Partnerships

    Speed Dating for Learning Partnerships

    It’s always better to learn together, especially when studying online. The first speed dating for learning partnerships will take place on 22 April 2021. In this online meeting, students can find a study buddy, contactlessly and without obligations. The Corona pandemic and the ongoing lockdown are challenging for all of us! Social isolation in particular…

  • Inner Peace & Resilience: Workshop in March 2021

    Inner Peace & Resilience: Workshop in March 2021

    There are still places available for our online workshop on strengthening resilience! Participants learn to mobilize their inner strength, regulate their emotions and question their behaviour patterns.

  • Bridging Assistance Continuning in the    Summer Semester 2021

    Bridging Assistance Continuning in the Summer Semester 2021

    Bridging Assistance for Students in Financial Difficulties will continue to be offered by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research presumably until September 2021. On 12 February 2021, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has decided to continuously provide Bridging Assistance to students for the entire summer semester 2021. Leipzig students in pandemic-related…

  • Extended Lockdown: How this Affects our Services

    Extended Lockdown: How this Affects our Services

    Due to the current rate of new infections and the extended lockdown period, most of our facilities are expected to remain closed until 7 March 2021. Due to the current rate of new infections the current lockdown will, in accordance with the Saxonian Corona Protection Ordinance of 12 February 2021, extended until 7 March 2021.…

  • Academic Lab Joins the Writing Lab in February and March 2021

    Academic Lab Joins the Writing Lab in February and March 2021

    In the online Writing Lab, students can focus on writing their term paper or thesis in a calm atmosphere. The Academic Lab provides professional tips for your workflow just in time for the exam period. The exams will soon be starting and the deadline for writing a term paper is approaching? If you cannot seem…

  • Appearing Confident in Exams – Workshop Starting 4 February

    Appearing Confident in Exams – Workshop Starting 4 February

    Just in time for the exams, our Psychosocial Counselling Service is offering another online workshop. Participants can learn how to deal with fears and insecurities before exams. Register now on short notice!