Category: Beratung & Soziales

  • Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

    Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

    The new semester is about to begin: We welcome all Leipzig students – especially freshmen and new international students! We are here for you in spite of the coronavirus! Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all new students and returning students to the winter semester 2021/22! Our website provides you with all important information about studying in Leipzig…

  • Start of the semester: Social counseling present their services

    Start of the semester: Social counseling present their services

    What does our social counseling service do? In October 2021, we will hold events to present our services at the various universities in Leipzig – partly digitally, partly on site. The social counseling service of Studentenwerk is available to students for advice and support. Whether by means of individual counseling or group services – our…

  • Covid-19 break for families

    Covid-19 break for families

    Government-sponsored breaks for families – check eligibility now! The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on many families. To help them recover, the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs (BMFSFJ) is making low-cost family vacation available in one of the participating family recreation facilities to families with lower incomes or who have relatives with disabilities. Families…

  • Vaccination for more attendance during the winter semester

    Vaccination for more attendance during the winter semester

    Take the last chance to get the vaccination at the vaccination center, register for the vaccination with your family doctor from October on, or attend special vaccination events. Getting vaccinated is essential for the chance of a winter semester with more on-site attendance. Those who have not yet been vaccinated can still take offhand advantage…

  • The Studentenwerke of Saxony Propose a Corona  Follow-up Care Package for Students

    The Studentenwerke of Saxony Propose a Corona Follow-up Care Package for Students

    Students suffer from the effects of the pandemic: All four Studentenwerke from Saxony therefore demand a Corona follow-up care package Similar to the situation faced by schoolchildren, students suffer, in some cases massively, from the effects of digital teaching. For the last year and a half, the social and professional exchange has been missing due…

  • Vaccinations for Returning to in-classroom Teaching

    Vaccinations for Returning to in-classroom Teaching

    The more students geting vaccinated against Covid-19, the closer the return to the campuses gets. We would therefore like to call on all students to make use of the vaccination offers now available. The Studentenwerk Leipzig, and the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW), are calling on all students to make use of the vaccination offers provided by…

  • Your Vote Counts: The Budestag Election is held on 26 September 2021

    Your Vote Counts: The Budestag Election is held on 26 September 2021

    Bundestag elections on September 26: Those who are not in Leipzig during the summer break can request postal voting documents in advance. The upcoming Bundestagswahl (federal election) will take place on 26 September 2021. The Studentenwerk Leipzig wants to remind all students to keep the election date in mind. The election will take place during…

  • Round Table: Studying with a Disability/Chronic Illness

    Round Table: Studying with a Disability/Chronic Illness

    On July 14, a new online offer of our social counseling service will be launched. The regularly held online round table offers a platform for getting to know each other, exchanging ideas and information.

  • “One for all”: Germany’s’ largest student survey has started

    “One for all”: Germany’s’ largest student survey has started

    „One for all: the student survey in Germany“ provides a detailed insight into the situation of students in Germany. One third of all students in Germany are to be surveyed in the course of the initiative. On 6 May 2021, the to date largest student survey also started for the students of Leipzig: Throughout Germany,…

  • Outdoor Courses for Student Parents starting in July

    Outdoor Courses for Student Parents starting in July

    Do you prefer relaxation or exercise? Stufaz offers 2 free outdoor courses for students and their children. Sign up now!