Category: Beratung & Soziales

  • Invitation: Family breakfast for students with children

    Invitation: Family breakfast for students with children

    Mensa am Park is reserved again for students and their children in the morning of November 4. Student parents and single student parents from all universities and academies in Leipzig along with their children are invited again to attend the 13th family breakfast. Studentenwerk  Leipzig and Gleichstellungsbüro of Leipzig University offer a healthy breakfast buffet for…

  • Welcome to Winter Semester 2017/18!

    Welcome to Winter Semester 2017/18!

    The new semester has begun. Here you can find information, contacts and support. Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all students to the beginning of winter semester 2017/18! We, Studentenwerk Leipzig, offer many services around studying and living in Leipzig. You can find information on all of our departments and their respective contacts on our website. Student Housing…

  • New Dates: Social Counselling is (t)here for you!

    New Dates: Social Counselling is (t)here for you!

    Studentenwerk Leipzigs Social Counselling offers new information events! SOCIAL COUNSELLING EVENTS November 4, 2017 | 9.00 – 11.00 a.m. | Student restaurant Mensa am Park, Universitätsstraße 5, 04103 LeipzigFamily Breakfast for Studying Parents and their Children of all of Leipzigs Universities and Academies Novemver 14, 2017 | 4 p.m. | Zappelkiste, Nürnberger Straße 42, 04109 LeipzigInfo event…

  • SZZ: Closed on Wednesdays until the end of September

    SZZ: Closed on Wednesdays until the end of September

    Changed opening hours at Student Service Center (SSZ) The Student Service Center remains closed on Wednesdays between 31 May and 27 September, just like the previous years. There will be no BAföG service and social counseling as well as no general counseling by Studentenwerk Leipzig available at SSZ during that period. SSZ has the usual opening…

  • Opening hours around Ascension Day

    Opening hours around Ascension Day

    Public holiday and the day after – please notice the changed opening and office hours. On 25 May is Ascension Day. Therefore our mensas and cafeterias will be closed on 25 and 26 May, the Mensa am Park also on 27 May. Also on 26 May, there are no office hours and the Studenten Service Zentrum remains closed. Appointments already made and the 'Schreibwerkstatt'…

  • Invitation to family breakfast for students with children

    Invitation to family breakfast for students with children

    Family breakfast: Mensa am Park is reserved again for students and their children in the morning of May 20. Student parents and single student parents from all universities and academies in Leipzig along with their children are invited again to attend the 12th family breakfast. Studentenwerk offers a healthy breakfast buffet for young and old,…

  • ZEIT CAMPUS in Leipzig: Die ersten 100 Tage im Job

    ZEIT CAMPUS in Leipzig: Die ersten 100 Tage im Job

    Diskussion und Workshops für Berufseinsteiger ZEIT CAMPUS diskutiert am 29. November 2016 im Rahmen der bundesweiten Veranstaltungsreihe "ZEIT CAMPUS im Gespräch: Die ersten 100 Tage im Job. So gelingt der Berufseinstieg" an der Universität Leipzig. Die Veranstaltung besteht aus einer Podiumsdiskussion und einem angeschlossenen Workshop-Teil und richtet sich an Studierende, Absolventen und Berufseinsteiger. In den…

  • Social Counselling: New information events at the HTWK

    Social Counselling: New information events at the HTWK

    Successfull studying in all situations – the social counsellors from the Studentenwerk provide information and assistance! There are new information events organised by the StuRa from the HTWK and the Social Counselling from Studentenwerk Leipzig. For student parents, single student parents ore becoming student parents: Studying With Child(ren)November 23 / 2 p.m. / room Li…

  • Information Day at Center for Social Services

    Information Day at Center for Social Services

    How to study succesful – get useful information about services by Studentenwerk Leipzig at the open house day at Center for Social Services (CSS).

  • Invitation to family breakfast for students with children

    Invitation to family breakfast for students with children

    Family breakfast: Mensa am Park is reserved for students and their children in the morning of November 5. Student parents and single student parents of all universities and academies in Leipzig along with their children are invited to the 11th family breakfast. Studentenwerk offers a healthy breakfast buffet for young and old, a varied program…