Category: Beratung & Soziales

  • Bridge Day on 11 May: Student Restaurants Closed / No Office Hours

    Bridge Day on 11 May: Student Restaurants Closed / No Office Hours

    On 11 May, there will be no office and opening hours at Studentenwerk Leipzig. Student restaurants and cafeterias are closed on that day. On Friday, 11 May 2018 all student restaurants and cafeterias are closed. Student restaurant Mensa am Park is closed on 12 May as well. On 11 May, there will be no office/opening…

  • Family Breakfast Invitation For 26 May

    Family Breakfast Invitation For 26 May

    On 26 May, the 14th family breakfast takes place at student restaurant Mensa am Park. From 9.00 to 11.00 a.m., student parents have the opportunity to talk to people from various organizations and institutions in an informal atmosphere about the questions and problems that studying with children brings about. Studentenwerk Leipzig, the family initiatives of…

  • Welcome to Summer Semester 2018!

    Welcome to Summer Semester 2018!

    The new semester has begun. Here you can find information, contacts and support. Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all students to the beginning of summer semester 2018! We, Studentenwerk Leipzig, offer many services around studying and living in Leipzig. You can find information on all of our departments and their respective contacts on our website. Student Housing Student…

  • Weekend Workshop for HMT Students

    Weekend Workshop for HMT Students

    Our Psychosocial Counselling hosts a weekend workshop for HMT students on the topics of stress and time management on March 17 and 18. Finally some time off? Impossible, because of the many concerts, rehearsals, applications, seminars …? A huge amount of assignments, appointments and projects but yet the only thing that seems for sure: There…

  • Long Night against Procrastination

    Long Night against Procrastination

    Long Night against Procrastination on 1 March 2018 // 6.00 to 10.00 p.m. // Leipzig University’s Campus Library // i. a. workshops provided by Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Psychosocial Counselling. All students are invited to the evening themed „better together“ on 1 March 2018 from 6.00 to 10.00 p.m. at the Leipzig University Campus Library. At this…

  • Maternity Protection Law Now Applies For Students

    Maternity Protection Law Now Applies For Students

    Since 1 January 2018, the law for maternity protection (Mutterschutzgesetz) applies for students as well. Female students are now entitled to maternity leave for six weeks before and eight weeks after childbirth – like employed women are. Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Social Counselling looks forward to informing interested women on all important changes in maternity protection law…

  • Group Offerings for HMT Students

    Group Offerings for HMT Students

    We recently introduced special counselling offers for HMT students. The first group sessions will start in January. 1. Relaxation Techniques This group is about learning and practicing techniques of autogenic training as well as progressive muscle relaxation. Time: 6 dates of 90 minutes each, Tuesdays at 6.15 p.m., starting 9 January 2018Place: Center for Social Services…

  • Opening Hours Over Christmas and The Turn Of The Year

    Opening Hours Over Christmas and The Turn Of The Year

    The opening hours at our student restaurants and cafeterias and our office hours change over Christmas and the turn of the year. The year is coming to an end and everyone who has to settle matters with the help of Studentenwerk Leipzig, should take a look at the changed office and opening hours. Here is…

  • Psychosocial Counselling: New Service for HMT Students

    Psychosocial Counselling: New Service for HMT Students

    Expanded psychosocial counselling service of Studentenwerk Leipzig. Suffering from stress or stage fright? As of now, students of Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” (HMT) can benefit from a new service! In order to preserve the fun of artistic and musical production, the focus is on the special needs of HMT students. There will…

  • Tandem Meeting: Learning New Languages and Making Friends

    Tandem Meeting: Learning New Languages and Making Friends

    Students who want to improve their language skills and would like to get to know new people have the opportunity to do so on November 7. Students will receive information on the Tandem program and might even find a tandem partner on that occasion. Improving language skills and meeting new people: The Tandem program of…