Category: Beratung & Soziales

  • “Social conditions are crucial for equal opportunities and academic success”

    “Social conditions are crucial for equal opportunities and academic success”

    The Saxon Minister of Edu. and Research and the Studentenwerk organisations present the survey on economic and social conditions of students in Saxony. Dr. Eva-Maria Stange “Social conditions are crucial for equal opportunities and academic succcess” Since 1982, a survey on the economic and social situation of students in Germany has been conducted by the…

  • Opening Hours Over the Christmas and New Year Break

    Opening Hours Over the Christmas and New Year Break

    We have changed opening hours in our student restaurants and cafeterias as well as changed office hours at Studentenwerk Leipzig. The year is coming to an end and everyone who has to settle matters with the help of Studentenwerk Leipzig should take a look at the changed office and opening hours. Student Restaurants & Cafeterias:…

  • Advent Afternoon for Student Parents

    Advent Afternoon for Student Parents

    Our Social Counselling department organises an Advent get-together for student parents and their children. Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Social Counselling department cordially invites student parents and their children to a Christmassy get-together with coffee, hot chocolate and Christmas cookies. We have planned all kinds of activities for our small guests. Meanwhile their parents may chat away with each…

  • Invitation to the 6th International Café

    Invitation to the 6th International Café

    On Friday, 16 November 2018, from 3.30 to 5.30 p.m., international students have the opportunity to get to know each other and receive useful information. In a comfortable atmosphere and provided with coffee and cake, international students receive information about the services of Studentenwerk Leipzig, Leipzig’s universities and academies as well as interesting associations. Exchanging with…

  • Don’t forget to extend your Mensa Children’s Card!

    Don’t forget to extend your Mensa Children’s Card!

    Please extend Mensa Children’s Cards as soon as possible. Cards whose validity has not been extended will be cancelled at the end of November! Studentenwerk Leipzig support students with children by means of the Mensa Children’s Card. This card entitles children of students enrolled at Leipzig’s universities and academies, starting from their first birthday until they reach…

  • Social Counselling for Refugee Students of HGB

    Social Counselling for Refugee Students of HGB

    Studentenwerk Leipzig supports the study program ATA for refugee artists and designers at HGB. The Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig/Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (HGB) and Studentenwerk Leipzig have launched a joint project to support participants of the Academy of Transcultural Exchange (ATA) in social matters. Since 2016, the study program gives art and design…

  • Welcome to Winter Semester 2018/19!

    Welcome to Winter Semester 2018/19!

    The new semester has begun – here’s information, advice and support. Studentenwerk Leipzig welcomes all students to the start of winter semester 2018/19! We, Studentenwerk Leipzig, offer many services around studying and living in Leipzig. You can find information on all of our departments and their respective contacts on our website. Student Housing Student Restaurants (Mensa) and…

  • Changed office hours during the summer period

    Changed office hours during the summer period

    Some of the office hours in July and August are changed. Student Housing 2-7-2018 to 20-7-2018: Tuesday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. // Thursday 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 23-7-2018 to 3-8-2018: No office hours (appointments upon prior arrangement) 6-8-2018 to 17-8-2018: Tuesday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. // Thursday 9…

  • New Workshop for International Students

    New Workshop for International Students

    Tools for a successful semester: Psychosocial Counselling offers a new workshop for international students. Studying abroad offers many opportunities and exciting experiences, but also many challenges – however, there are also well-known challenges like procrastination. Our Psychosocial Counselling offers a workshop in English on that topic: "I'll start next week!" – or how to beat endless postponing REGISTRATION:…

  • Good Outcome With Low Income

    Good Outcome With Low Income

    Information events during the German debt counselling week On 6 and 7 June, two information events within the framework of the German debt counselling week take place on the Augustusplatz campus. On the event days, students can receive information on contracts and debts and learn how to budget their money well. The events take place…