Category: Beratung & Soziales

  • Workshop: fourth annual Long Night of Academic Writing

    Workshop: fourth annual Long Night of Academic Writing

    On the occaison of the fourth annual Long Night of Academic Writing our Psychosocial Counsellors are again offering a workshop. According to the motto "Better together", the Long Night of Academic Writing (LNWS) will take place for the fourth time on 20 February 2020. The event offers support for the writing of scientific texts, problems with…

  • Preparatory German Course for Refugees at the University of Leipzig

    Preparatory German Course for Refugees at the University of Leipzig

    Refugees who are interested in studying at the university of Leipzig can participate in a preparatory German course. This offer is free of charge. The deadline for applications has been elongated till 3 February. The International Center (Akademisches Auslandsamt) of the University of Leipzig will again offer German courses for refugees who want to start…

  • University Open Day – We answer questions!

    University Open Day – We answer questions!

    Studentenwerk Leipzig is present with info booths at HTWK and Leipizig University. Everyone who would like to know more about our student halls of residence, BAföG and other services of Studentenwerk Leipzig is invited to the Open Day of Leipzig University and HTWK on 9 January 2020. At our info booths, colleagues from the Department for…

  • Opening Hours during the Christmas and New Years holidays 19/20

    Opening Hours during the Christmas and New Years holidays 19/20

    Over Christmas and the turn of the year we have changed opening hours in our Mensas & Cafeterias as well as changed office hours in the Studentenwerk Leipzig. The year is drawing to a close and those who still have unfinished business in Studentenwerk should keep the changed office hours in mind. Here is a…

  • Advent get-together for student parents and their children

    Advent get-together for student parents and their children

    Advent afternoon in StuFaz: get information in a cosy atmosphere and meet other student parents. Have you already heard about it? Recently the Student Family Centre, the StuFaz, opened its doors! Who has not made it there yet: The social counselling team warmly invites you and your children to a cosy get-together with coffee, children's Christmas…

  • Invitation to the 17th Family Breakfast in Mensa am Park

    Invitation to the 17th Family Breakfast in Mensa am Park

    A breakfast buffet and a colourful program bring students and their children to the Mensa am Park once a semester. The family breakfast is a popular event with our student parents. All student parents of all Leipzig universities and their kids are heartily invited to join the 17th Family Breakfast. This Saturday, Studentenwerk Leipzig and…

  • Student Family Center “StuFaz” in Leipzig

    Student Family Center “StuFaz” in Leipzig

    Our unique offer for student parents and their children: StuFaz is a place to study, play, relax, get in touch and get informed. For winter semester our new Student Family Center “StuFaz” is opening its doors. The StuFaz is a meeting place, a place for counselling and events as well as point of contact and a…

  • Stress and Time Management: Weekend Workshop for HMT Students

    Stress and Time Management: Weekend Workshop for HMT Students

    Register by 23 October: Our psychosocial counselling service organises a weekend workshop on stress and time management for HMT students on 26/27 October 2019. The semester barely started but tasks, appointments and and plans are piling up. The only thing that seems certain is that no spare time will be left. If anxiety adds to the…

  • Invitation to our 8th International Café

    Invitation to our 8th International Café

    On Friday October 25 international students can join us at International Café, get counselling and network International Students of all universities in Leipzig are invited to join us for another International Café on October 25.  In a cozy atmosphere, you will have the opportunity to enjoy coffee and cake and find out about the many offers of the Studentenwerk,…

  • Relaxation courses for students with kids

    Relaxation courses for students with kids

    Free relaxation courses for students and their children. Places available! Starting from October 15th social counseling of Studentenwerk Leipzig will offer a relaxation course for student parents in cooperation with Techniker Krankenkasse. There students and their kids can learn all about different kinds of relaxation techniques and try them. The course takes place weekly on…