Verlängerung Regelstudienzeit BAföG Weiterförderung

BAföG eligibility likely to be extended further due to coronavirus

The standard period of study may be extended once more: it seems likely the 2021 summer semester will also be declared a pandemic semester.

The Saxony State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWKT) has announced that the 2021 summer semester will likely be declared a pandemic semester. The SMWKT is expected to make the decision official (Sec. 114a(3) SächsHSFG) from June 2021.

BAföG recipients are therefore encouraged to submit an application for further funding. The new, simplified Form 9 can be used for the application providing there have been no significant changes in the student’s income, financial situation, or personal circumstances. The application forms can be downloaded here.
An amendment made to Saxony’s Freedom of Higher Education Act (SächsHSFG) at the end of last year meant that students affected by the coronavirus were able to have their standard periods of study extended by up to two semesters. BAföG eligibility was also extended accordingly. 



