Author: designtoasty

  • Christmas Week in all Mensas

    Christmas Week in all Mensas

    During the week of 5 to 9 December 2022, we will be offering at least one Christmas meal a day in all Mensas. Christmas is approaching in big steps. To get our guests in the mood for the festive season, we will be serving up festive dishes from 5 to 9 December. During this Christmas…

  • Energy Saving Campaign “Flip the Switch”

    Energy Saving Campaign “Flip the Switch”

    Studentenwerk Leipzig participates in DSW energy saving campaign „Flip the Switch“.

  • Mensa Survey 2022: Join Now

    Mensa Survey 2022: Join Now

    We are again conducting a satisfaction survey for our Mensas & Cafeterias from 14 November to 4 December 2022. The guests of our Mensas and Cafeterias can now put in their two cents and tell us: What do you enjoy eating and what do you dislike? What do you like, what would you change? What…

  • New Photo exhibition from November

    New Photo exhibition from November

    Starting in November 2022, Martin Andreas Arendt will be exhibiting his photographs depicting „Beauty of Japan“ in the Studentenwerk Leipzig. Martin Andreas Arendt recently switched to theatre studies after six semesters of Japanese studies and describes himself as a Japan and photography enthusiast. In his current exhibition "Beauty of Japan" at the Studentenwerk Leipzig, he…

  • World Vegan Day on 1 November 2022

    World Vegan Day on 1 November 2022

    Every year: World Vegan Day is on 1 November. An occasion to enjoy vegan food in our Mensas and Cafeterias. World Vegan Day is on 1 November! On this occasion, almost all of our facilities have an even bigger vegan offer than they already do: Mensa am Park: two vegan main courses  various vegan pasta sauces…

  • Our cultural tip for October 2022

    Our cultural tip for October 2022

    „Eigengrau – Ein Lob der Dunkelheit“: An auditory walk through the darkness. With our cultural tip for October we present "Eigengrau. A Praise of Darkness". On Saturday, 22 October, students from Geräuschkulisse e.V. will be staging a auditory walk in the dark over headphones in the salon of Villa Plagwitz. The author, composer and sound artist…

  • New series of law lectures in November

    New series of law lectures in November

    Series of legal lectures by the law firm Sammler & Müller in cooperation with the Social Counselling Service Studentenwerk Leipzig 1. Online Lecture Title: What do your parents have to pay – maintenance claims during studies Student children are entitled to maintenance – even beyond the age of 18. As a rule, the right to…

  • Studentenwerk increases coffee prices in all Mensas and Cafeterias

    Studentenwerk increases coffee prices in all Mensas and Cafeterias

    Further price increases loom / Fee on disposable packaging to be reintroduced The Studentenwerk Leipzig is increasing the prices for coffee and coffee specialities (latte macchiato, cappuccino, etc.) in all Mensas and Cafeterias by up to 20 cents as of 17 October. The reason is the increased purchase price for coffee beans, cocoa, cow's milk…

  • 5,000 Followers on Instagram: A Special Thank you!

    5,000 Followers on Instagram: A Special Thank you!

    Students have the chance to win 5 goodie bags, each with a Mensa voucher.

  • Burger Week at the Mensa am Elsterbecken

    Burger Week at the Mensa am Elsterbecken

    Special offer: Daily changing burgers from 17 to 21 October at the Mensa am Elsterbecken