Author: designtoasty

  • 15. Dezember: Veggie Day at Mensa am Park

    15. Dezember: Veggie Day at Mensa am Park

    The next Veggie Day at Mensa am Park is on December 15. On September 22, there will be the next Veggie Day at the Mensa am Park! This Veggie Thursday, restaurant manager René Sonne and his team will cook falafel with sweet potatoe fries, vegetarian pepper, crispy salsify squares, chilli con tofu and many more…

  • Christmas Campagn at all Student Restaurants & Cafeterias

    Christmas Campagn at all Student Restaurants & Cafeterias

    Between 5th and 9th December we offer at least one special Christmas dish per day in all our facilities. Enjoy selected dishes like roast goose joint, red cabbage with baked apple and Thuringian dumplings or vegetarian chestnut patty with soy-carrot-ginger sauce. Or what about a joint of roast hare, black salsify and carrot with Bohemian…

  • ZEIT CAMPUS in Leipzig: Die ersten 100 Tage im Job

    ZEIT CAMPUS in Leipzig: Die ersten 100 Tage im Job

    Diskussion und Workshops für Berufseinsteiger ZEIT CAMPUS diskutiert am 29. November 2016 im Rahmen der bundesweiten Veranstaltungsreihe "ZEIT CAMPUS im Gespräch: Die ersten 100 Tage im Job. So gelingt der Berufseinstieg" an der Universität Leipzig. Die Veranstaltung besteht aus einer Podiumsdiskussion und einem angeschlossenen Workshop-Teil und richtet sich an Studierende, Absolventen und Berufseinsteiger. In den…

  • 1. December: Veggie- Day at Mensa Academica

    1. December: Veggie- Day at Mensa Academica

    The next Veggie Day at Mensa Academica is on December 1! On December 1, there will be another Veggie Day at the Mensa Academica! This Veggie Thursday, restaurant manager Martina Becker and her team will cook some vegeterian and vegan meals. Read the menu to find out about all dishes. The Veggie Day was introduced…

  • And the winner is… The Photo Competition by Studentenwerke is on the road

    And the winner is… The Photo Competition by Studentenwerke is on the road

    Leipziger Studierende überzeugen im Wettbewerb mit ihren Fotos In the category photo series Sarah Liegmann, student at the Leipzig University won the first prize! Congratulations – we are happy, that the photos will be shown at the Studentenwerk Leipzig on may and june of 2017. A photo of Max Reichel and Leonart Schmitt, studying at…

  • Social Counselling: New information events at the HTWK

    Social Counselling: New information events at the HTWK

    Successfull studying in all situations – the social counsellors from the Studentenwerk provide information and assistance! There are new information events organised by the StuRa from the HTWK and the Social Counselling from Studentenwerk Leipzig. For student parents, single student parents ore becoming student parents: Studying With Child(ren)November 23 / 2 p.m. / room Li…

  • “things on bikes” – photo exhibition shows scenes from the streets of Hanoi

    “things on bikes” – photo exhibition shows scenes from the streets of Hanoi

    Racks of eggs, goldfishes or a sofa – images from the Vietnamese capital show what’s possible to transport with two-wheelers. What kind of objects and how much you can transport with a moped or a bicycle, you can see at Judith Hohmanns photo exhcibiton in the Studentenwerk Leipzig. She's a student of the Leipzig University…

  • 31st poster competition by Deutsches Studentenwerk

    31st poster competition by Deutsches Studentenwerk

    “Environment” university – what does it look like today? That is the subject of this year’s poster competition by Deutsches Studentenwerk. Educational institution or more: In its latest poster competition for design students, Deutsches Studentenwerk asks how today’s students experience their university, as a sober educational institution, a mere breeding ground for academics – or…

  • Information Day at Center for Social Services

    Information Day at Center for Social Services

    How to study succesful – get useful information about services by Studentenwerk Leipzig at the open house day at Center for Social Services (CSS).

  • Invitation to family breakfast for students with children

    Invitation to family breakfast for students with children

    Family breakfast: Mensa am Park is reserved for students and their children in the morning of November 5. Student parents and single student parents of all universities and academies in Leipzig along with their children are invited to the 11th family breakfast. Studentenwerk offers a healthy breakfast buffet for young and old, a varied program…