Author: designtoasty

  • All About Alimony and Childcare: New Online Seminars by our Legal Assistance Team

    All About Alimony and Childcare: New Online Seminars by our Legal Assistance Team

    The new online course offer by our legal assistance service is not only interesting for student parents (to be). You can for example also find out how much alimony you are eligible for during your studies! After World Children's Day on 20 November, a day of celebration of the Declaration of the Rights of the…

  • Bridging Assistance for Students in Financial Distress Restarted

    Bridging Assistance for Students in Financial Distress Restarted

    The Federal Ministry of Education and Research resumed its support for students in pandemic related emergency situation. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is again helping students who are in urgent need due to the corona pandemic with subsidies from November 2020 to March 2021. These grants are awarded via the local Studentenwerk.…

  • The Solidarity Principle as Foundation of the Semester Fee

    The Solidarity Principle as Foundation of the Semester Fee

    Our wide range of services, is made possible, among other things, by the financial contribution made by all students. The semester fee follows the principle of solidarity: the individudual can benefit from a multitude of offers while all fund them. Winter semester 2020/21 is already in full swing. For many students, it was the first…

  • Our Cultural Spotlight in  November 2020 – Corona Special

    Our Cultural Spotlight in November 2020 – Corona Special

    Many cultural events planned for November had to be cancelled. To make up for this, we have collected many interesting cultural projects that you can enjoy contact-free from home. Due to the November lockdown, the Studentenwerk's cultural spotlight of the month is somewhat different than usual. Many cultural events had to be cancelled, this includes…

  • Wide Range of Online Workshops and Courses for Tackling the Autumn Blues

    Wide Range of Online Workshops and Courses for Tackling the Autumn Blues

    Despite or perhaps rather because of social distancing, our social counselling and psychosocial counselling services provide many online offers that make home study and the changes in everyday life at university a little easier. Changes in the situation of students that have been occurring due to the corona pandemic can be a problem, especially now…

  • Important Measures in our Mensas and Cafeterias

    Important Measures in our Mensas and Cafeterias

    Good news all of us: our Mensas and Cafeterias have opened again. To ensure they can stay open, certain measures must be followed! In order to ensure that all of our facilities remain open, it is important that all guests follow the infection protection measures that have been adopted. For this reason, we would like…

  • New workshop for HMT students

    New workshop for HMT students

    Leave the stress behind – dare to look into the future: Free workshop for HMT students in November. Sign up now!

  • Check-in for Guests of our Mensas and Cafeterias

    Check-in for Guests of our Mensas and Cafeterias

    Due to the current Saxonian Corona Protection Ordinance, from now on all of our guests must register when entering our Mensas and Cafeterias. According to the new Saxonian Corona Protection Ordinance dated 30 October, we are obligated to register all guests for contact tracking* – if they consume their meals inside our facilities. There are…

  • Scientific Institutions of Leipzig Team up for a Common Statement Against the Announced Corona Demonstration

    Scientific Institutions of Leipzig Team up for a Common Statement Against the Announced Corona Demonstration

    In order to express their critical position on the large-scale demonstration against corona measures, announced to take place on Saturday, many academic institutions from the city have published a joint statement, also supported by Studentenwerk. On Saturday, 7 November, 2020, a large-scale demonstration organized by the "Querdenken" initiative is to be held in Leipzig. Against…

  • Mensa and Cafeteria Academica and Mensa and Cafeteria an den Tierkliniken Closing

    Mensa and Cafeteria Academica and Mensa and Cafeteria an den Tierkliniken Closing

    Due to current limitations in the university’s operations and the resulting low demand in Mensa and Cafeteria Academica and Mensa and Cafeteria an den Tierkliniken, these facilities will be closed again for the time being. Due to the significantly reduced demand in Mensa and Cafeteria Academica and Mensa and Cafeteria an den Tierkliniken since the…