Author: designtoasty

  • Change of Regulations for the Validation of Your Student Card

    Change of Regulations for the Validation of Your Student Card

    The MDV has agreed to a changed regulation for the MDV semester ticket for the upcoming summer semester 2021. This change is caused by the more difficult validation of the student cards due to corona-related restrictions. Since many validation terminals are currently not accessible due to corona inflicted restrictions, it is more difficult for students…

  • Limited availability Student Housing

    Limited availability Student Housing

    For security reasons, the Student Housing Department cannot currently be reached by email. Online applications, requests are processed. In urgent cases, please contact your contact person, janitor or our hotline. For security reasons, the Student Housing Department cannot currently be reached by email. Online applications for student residence hall space are accepted at any time,…

  • Do-It-Yourself Repair Shop Radschlag Reopening Under Restrictions

    Do-It-Yourself Repair Shop Radschlag Reopening Under Restrictions

    After remodelling measures to comply with hygiene requirements, the do-it-yourself repair shop will be opening again as of Monday, 1 March. Our do-it-yourself bicycle repair shop "Radschlag" reopens on Monday, 1 March, with slight restrictions on the usual services. In order to comply with the current hygiene requirements and distance regulations, the shop has been…

  • Recipe for Schnitzel Cordon bleu

    Recipe for Schnitzel Cordon bleu

    In today’s Mensa recipe, we show you how to prepare a crispy breaded pork cordon bleu. Our Mensa Team hopes you enjoy cooking it at home and wishes you bon appétit!

  • Recipe for Parsnip Cream Soup

    Recipe for Parsnip Cream Soup

    In today’s Mensa at home recipe our Mensa team shares the recipe for a delicious parsnip cream soup. Enjoy cooking it at home and bon appétit!

  • Recipe for Foul – Egyptian Bean Stew

    Recipe for Foul – Egyptian Bean Stew

    Foul is a popular dish made from „broad“ or „fava“ beans in the Arab world. Traditionally, the bean dish is served with pita bread, and sometimes olives and ground cumin are added. Enjoy cooking it yourself!

  • Free Rooms in our Halls of Residence

    Free Rooms in our Halls of Residence

    Due to the pandemic, there are more free rooms in our halls of residence than usual for the upcoming summer semester 2021. This offers a broader choice and higher chances of getting one of the popular places in one of our student halls of residence. In the past there were often waiting lists for places…

  • Bridging Assistance Continuning in the    Summer Semester 2021

    Bridging Assistance Continuning in the Summer Semester 2021

    Bridging Assistance for Students in Financial Difficulties will continue to be offered by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research presumably until September 2021. On 12 February 2021, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has decided to continuously provide Bridging Assistance to students for the entire summer semester 2021. Leipzig students in pandemic-related…

  • Extended Lockdown: How this Affects our Services

    Extended Lockdown: How this Affects our Services

    Due to the current rate of new infections and the extended lockdown period, most of our facilities are expected to remain closed until 7 March 2021. Due to the current rate of new infections the current lockdown will, in accordance with the Saxonian Corona Protection Ordinance of 12 February 2021, extended until 7 March 2021.…

  • Recipe for Brazilian Picadillo

    Recipe for Brazilian Picadillo

    Today’s recipe comes to you straight from Latin America: the main ingredients for a traditional picadillo are minced meat and tomatoes.