Author: designtoasty

  • Current information about the mensas & cafeterias

    Current information about the mensas & cafeterias

    The opening of further facilities is planned. Until further notice, we are opening exclusively for takeaway and initially only the outdoor area for on-site consumption.

  • “We could only cook in a 300-litre steam kettle – that was it.”

    “We could only cook in a 300-litre steam kettle – that was it.”

    About food stamps, export beer and the art of improvisation: A contemporary witness report by our long-time employee Gerald Hoffmann.

  • The Outdoor Seating Areas of our Mensas are Open

    The Outdoor Seating Areas of our Mensas are Open

    From 9 June 2021, we will open the outdoor seating areas at all of our facilities that are currently offering takeaway services. Finally, the weather is getting warmer, the leaves are green and the pandemic-related restrictions are being gradually eased. Life is takeing place outdoors again. The hot temperatures are inviting you to enjoy your…

  • New Online Offers of our Social Counselling Service

    New Online Offers of our Social Counselling Service

    The Social Counselling Service offers new online events from June. The new offers focus on the topics of studying during pregnancy or with children, studying with disabilities or chronic illnesses, financing of studies and studying in Germany. The Social Counselling Service provides advice on numerous topics that may become relevant during your studies. What do…

  • Workshops by our Psychosocial Counselling Service – New Dates for June

    Workshops by our Psychosocial Counselling Service – New Dates for June

    Working with more focus, finding inner peace, preparing for exams under less stress … Our workshops support you in getting through your daily digital study routines. Registration is now open for the new dates in June 2021! The third semester restricted by the pandemic is in full swing. One might think that everyone would have…

  • 10 years ago: New hall of residence for Sorbian students opened its doors

    10 years ago: New hall of residence for Sorbian students opened its doors

    Sorbian culture is an integral part of Leipzig as a study location. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the opening of the new student hall of residence – especially for Sorbian students – in Arno-Nitzsche-Straße. In May, the traditional maypole throwing takes place in Sorbian Lusatia – a custom that Sorbian students have continued…

  • 90 years ago: The first student hall of residence in Leipzig was opened

    90 years ago: The first student hall of residence in Leipzig was opened

    The first new student hall of residence in Leipzig built specially for students would have turned 90 these days. The Erich Bethe House, named after the former chancellor of Leipzig University, was inaugurated on 10 May 1931 and existed until 1943. On 10 May 1931, the Erich Bethe House was officially opened in Bozener Weg…

  • Preparatory German Courses for Refugees

    Preparatory German Courses for Refugees

    Prospective students with a history of flight who do not yet have the necessary German language skills can take German language courses at the University of Leipzig to prepare them for their studies free of charge. The University of Leipzig is once again offering free preparatory German courses for refugees in the winter semester 2021/22.…

  • Digital International Info Days: Info Event for Refugee and International Students and Students to-be

    Digital International Info Days: Info Event for Refugee and International Students and Students to-be

    This year, the event, first launched by the HTWK and the Studentenwerk Leipzig, takes place on 5 & 6 May 2021 and provides information on universities in and around Leipzig, application procedures, the start of studies and the first semesters online. Refugee and international first-semester students and prospective students face many unanswered questions and challenges.…

  • BAföG eligibility likely to be extended further due to coronavirus

    BAföG eligibility likely to be extended further due to coronavirus

    The standard period of study may be extended once more: it seems likely the 2021 summer semester will also be declared a pandemic semester. The Saxony State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWKT) has announced that the 2021 summer semester will likely be declared a pandemic semester. The SMWKT is expected to make the decision official…