
German Language Course for Refugees

Refugees can take part at a free language course as a preparation for university studies.

Leipzig University offers a free language course for refugees as a preparation for university studies starting March/April 2017. The course period is one semester (six months) and leads to the language level C1. The language course is funded by the DAAD-Programme INTEGRA.

What do you need in order to take the course:

  • knowledge of the German language, level B1 (e.g. via an ‚Integrationskurs’ or similar, the B1-course should be finished by mid-March)
  • a direct university admission qualification (secondary school certificate or first university degree)
  • specification of your preferred study programme at Leipzig University
  • it is necessary to prove a TestAS (Test for Academic Studies –
    https://refugees.testas.de/) or a “Beratungsschein” (obtainable from the university)

The deadline for applications is 19th February 2017. See all information here in english or german.




