Vegan bakery products from own production will from now on come from the bakery in the Mensa am Elsterbecken.
Chocolate brownie, peanut caramel slice or plum cake – vegan bakery products for selected Mensas and Cafeterias are baked by the Studentenwerk Leipzig in an own vegan bakery since 2017. This bakery has now moved and works in the Mensa am Elsterbecken since April this year. About 200 pieces of cake and other bakery products are produced there on a daily basis. Perspectively, the production should be further increased.
For the bakery a room inside the Mensa's kitchen was rebuilt and the necessery technical elements like oven, mixing device, kneading machine and fryer were installed. The vergan bakery products are handcrafted daily and are delivered from Tuesday to Friday to the Cafeteria Dittrichting, the Cafeteria im Musikviertel, the Cafeteria am Park and to the Cafeteria am Medizincampus. It is planned that in the future further facilities of the Studentenwerk sell the vegan bakery products from own production as well.