
Turn of the year 2022/23: These are our opening and office hours

Over Christmas and the turn of the year, we have changed opening hours in our Mensas and Cafeterias as well as office hours at the Studentenwerk Leipzig.

Mensas & Cafeterias

Department for Grants

  • last telephone consultation 15.12.2022 // first telephone consultation 03.01.2023

Job Office

  • last consultation 20.12.2022 // first consultation 03.01.2023

Social Counselling

  • Telephone Consultation:​
    • Last telephone consultation in 2022: 22.12. (Thursday) 10-12 h Aike Dägling 01761 9659 669
    • First telephone consultation time in 2023: 3.1. (Tuesday) 13-15 h Florentine David 01761 9659 679
  • Open office hours without appointment for HGB students (room 3.44a in the HGB)
    • Last open office hours: 22.12.2022 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
    • First open office hours: 5.1.2023 10-12 a.m.
  • Bookable dates on the online booking page, if not yet fully booked
    • Letzte Beratungen in 2022 bis inklusive 22.12. möglich
    • Erste Beratungen in 2023 wieder ab 4.1.23 möglich
  • Counselling in the SSZ, online booking, if not yet fully booked
    • Last short consultations in 2022: 20.12.22
    • First short consultations in 2023: from 5.1.23
  • Open office hours at the Student Family Centre StuFaz; 14-16 h; Nürnberger Straße 42
    • Last open office hours in 2022: 15.12.2022
    • First open office hours in 2023: 05.01.2022

Psychosocial Counselling

  • Our psychosocial counselling service is also available between the holidays, from 27.12.2022 to 30.12.2022, at the Semmelweisstraße 10 location. 
  • Last regular office hours 22.12.2022 // First regular office hours 03.01.2023
  • Emergency Contacts for the Holidays:
    • In case of danger to life and limb, please contact the emergency services: 112
    • In case of acute need to talk: telephone counselling: 0800 1110111 or 0800 1110222 
    • Psychosocial counselling telephone from 08.00-18.00 / 0341 99990000

Student Housing

  • last office hours 22.12.2022 // first office hours 03.01.2023
  • studNET-Hotline: last office hours 22.12.2022 // first office hours 03.01.2023; On 23.12 and 02.01.23 the availability is limited to the ticket system.

Administration at Goethestraße 6

Do-It-Yourself Bicycle Repair Shops

  • Bicycle self-help workshop "Radgeber": last opening day 23.12.2022 // first opening day 09.01.2023
  • Bicycle self-help workshop "RadSchlag": last opening day 23.12.2022 // first opening day 09.01.2023
  • Bicycle self-help workshop of Villa e.V.: last opening day 09.12.2022 // first opening day 02.01.2023