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Start of the semester: Social counseling present their services

What does our social counseling service do? In October 2021, we will hold events to present our services at the various universities in Leipzig – partly digitally, partly on site.

The social counseling service of Studentenwerk is available to students for advice and support. Whether by means of individual counseling or group services – our social counselors provide support in various forms for students in all personal situations.

We will present the various and free services offered by Studentenwerk at the start of this coming semester at the various universities in Leipzig. In addition to information about our counseling services, we will also provide initial information about student housing, BAföG, and student restaurants.

  • 29 September, 11 to 12 a.m. // Leipzig University // Information event for students with disabilities/chronic diseases // online
  • 30 September 30 at 10:30 and at 12:15 // HMT // Information event for everyone // on-site
  • 1 October 12:15 to 13:15 // IBA // Information event for business administration students // on-site
  • 5 October, 12:15 to 13:15 // IBA // Information event for social education students // on-site
  • 6 October, 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. // Leipzig University // Information event for everyone
  • 6 October, 14:00 to 17:00 // HGB // Information event during the welcome week
  • October 18, 16:00 to 17:30 // HHL // Information event for everyone

For further information, you can contact the relevant counselors at the university or send an e-mail to



